
President George W. Bush – E-mail the President or Vice President; call or write the White House; or extend an invitation to the President, Vice President, Mrs. Bush, or Mrs. Cheney. This site tells you how.
U.S. Senators – Search for your senators by name, state, or congressional class; and visit their websites, send them an email or locate their mailing address.
U.S. Representatives – Find contact information for your U.S. representative by typing in your zip code, send them an email or locate their mailing address.
State Governors – Select your state to access e-mail, telephone, and postal contact information for your governor, send him/her an email or locate their mailing address so that you can encourage that your state officially join the ranks of those against the continuation of the war, and those prepared to exercise the Constitutional Right to move for the Impeachment of The President and Vice President of The United States of America.
State Legislators – Search for state legislators and topical legislative information, by U.S. states and territories, so that you can encourage that your state officially join the ranks of those against the continuation of the war, and those prepared to exercise the Constitutional Right to move for the Impeachment of The President and Vice President of The United States of America.
City Mayors – Search for local Mayors so that you can encourage local Mayors and City Governance bodies to take action against the continuation of the war, and those prepared to exercise the Constitutional Right to move for the Impeachment of The President and Vice President of The United States of America.
Contact Anti War and Pro Impeachment Organizations – Search for updated news, coming public events and aid, advise and resources to make the voice of “We The People” heard, loud and clear. 773,000 entries, 100 screen pages.
Ladies and Gentlemen:
In the November 2007 elections, “We The People” sent you, “our elected leaders”, and a clear and simple message.
We want you, (and we don’t care if you are a Democrat, Republican or Independent), to end the War in Iraq NOW! We want the President and Vice President of this nation Impeached for their every well documented violation of this nation’s laws and Constitution, and for their violations of International Law for which they must be brought to justice as the War Criminals that they are.
We don’t want, don’t believe your current pretense of solutions, all of which we are well aware are preconditioned by political posturing, manipulation and calculation. We are sick and tired of your antics that are supposed to pass for service to this nation.
We are neither uninformed nor stupid. Your actions have to presume both, and that is an insult. No explanation for your foot dragging and failure to act will find acceptance.
Set a date for withdrawal and mean it. If the President Vetoes your actions, “We The People” will hold accountable at the polls any and all who vote to sustain his veto. Do not hide behind the excuse of how difficult and divisive an act of Impeach is. The appointment of a Special Prosecutor to perform all of the initial evidentiary collection will facilitate the matter and in large part dispense with all of the political theater that you people are disgustingly inclined to. We don’t need it; we don’t want it.
This administration has done severe damage to our Constitutional system and your inactions and concessions disgrace you. You are all guilty to one degree or another of misfeasance, malfeasance and nonfeasance in office. I do not care if want to hear that or not. It is a fact; so get over yourself, accept it, move on and redeem yourself by having the courage to do what is simply right with having to calculate what you think the political fall out will be.
I assure you, that your failure to act decisively on these two matters will have political consequences beyond your ability to calculate or image. Forget all of your consultants, managers and media manipulators, because “We The People” are accustomed to all your verbal lint, negative campaigning, character assassination, campaign innuendo and sickening appeals. We are tired of all the howling media punditry that is supposed to pass for some sort of stimulant for a national discourse. We know that garbage does rise above the level of bird cage lining tabloid paper or that which we flush down the toilet.
You are not listening; you have totally lost touch with the public. You and all of your expensive consultants, “experts”, pollsters, and media manipulators are living in a “Beltway Blinders” dream world, more akin to an opiate induced state than just simple wishful thinking.
If you read my short blog biography you will find I am an active participant in the process, and that at the local and state level, I may have served many of you without your notice or knowledge as part of the vast apparatus of today’s campaigns. I know how it is done because I have done it all time and again in the hope that good and effective leadership can be found and placed in the White House and the halls of Congress.
Never have I felt as betrayed in my life as I do at this moment. The White House comprises a collection of cohorts and cronies cranking out a climate and culture of corruption and contagious corrosion designed to seduce and sedate the people of this nation and at the same time render, you the members of Congress, as laughable fumbling figure heads, ineffective and impotent agents for change or action.
What you and all of you expensive apparatchiki do not understand in your clueless unwillingness to listen, (you have to send so much time in explanation, excuses and spin that do not have the time to listen, given only to those actions you believe will serve your perpetuation and the preservation of your jobs), is that the drug like haze of the Bush pill bottle of fear tablets is empty, our heads are clearing and our strength is returning.
The appeal, intoxication and seduction of Bush Brand post 9/11 “Patriotism” has worn off. We see clearly now, that we, (me and you) have all been used and abused by an administration of would be dictators or a reasonable facsimile thereof.
And as the fog has lifted, we have found the words of Sinclair Lewis emblazoned on the sunrise horizon and etched like the stark glow of burning charcoals in the night, that: “When Fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag carrying a cross.” If you cannot listen, at least open your eyes! America stands in greater peril than it did in the tragedy of Nixon. If the Impeachment of Bill Clinton was warranted, then the Impeachments of George Bush and Dick Cheney are mandated. But the truth of this matter goes much farther.
Having recently attended a meeting of renowned Attorneys and famed Constitutional scholars in Georgetown, the conclusions reached in the session were frightening. They were in summary: (1) George W. Bush and Dick Cheney are guilty of a litany of Impeachable offenses, (2) George W. Bush and Dick Cheney are guilty of violations of American Law to such an extent that they could and should be indicted as common criminals, (3) Despite American’s inherent attitude of exclusion, the President, Vice President and other cabinet level subordinates, past and present are War Criminals by all standards of International Law and should be held to, and brought to justice as was Saddam Hussein.
There is a thought so foreign to the American mind that it hard for most folks to even begin wrapping their thoughts around it in any sort of serious discussion/conversation…but the facts exist and can be documented, and as you a member of Congress must renew your embrace of the concept that no one is above the law, so we as a nation must realize, that just because we are The United States of America, that does not entitle us or our leaders to “the right” to commit acts of International criminality with the assumption that we/they can/will escape, evade accountability. This administration has gone so far that, that presumption is now invalid!
This administration has lived by adage of: “Manipulate the message; manipulate the masses.” That time is over. It is time for “We The People” to deliver the message, the message that we will tolerate or countenance the conduct of this administration one day longer, and we will accept the refusal of you, the members of Congress, to honor your sworn duty to defend and up hold The Constitution of The United States of America! Failure to do so renders you guilty as collaborators in the most corrupt government in the history of this nation.
Distortions, deceptions, lies and spying, wanton disregard of our laws, deliberate, premeditated, calculated…My God, what is it; is there an unwritten understood among yourselves level of tolerable, permitted, acceptable criminality that applies to no other citizen of this nation but members of the Executive and Legislative branches of our government, sort of “an understood, unwritten, spoken of only in your congressional club, code of necessary, convenient, expedient cesspool law”.
Bush seems to be scrambling to consolidate dictatorial powers before his administration comes crashing down around him. According to the Washington Post, Bush has moved to implement the recent bill that abrogates habeas corpus, authorizing military trials of so-called "enemy combatants". The US District Court in Washington has been summarily notified that it no longer has jurisdiction in such cases and may no longer consider "... hundreds of habeas corpus petitions filed by inmates at the Guantánamo Bay prison in Cuba."
He has changed in house counsel in anticipation of Impeachment charges, left Attorney Gonzales hanging, spinning in the wind on the matter of a wholesale “Purge of Federal Prosecutor/Attorneys, as a step in a Fascistic policy of seizure of the Federal Judicial system in the completion of establishing “The President’s Judicial system.
For thirty-one (31) years I stood before classrooms of American young as an Instructor of American History, because I loved this nation, its history, its promise, respected the anguish, suffering and sacrifices of those who came before and bequeathed to us a wondrous land of which we are now the responsible Stewards, obligated in turn to pass this nation into the next generations hands in good health.
Should I still be standing before classes today, and if those students ask any of the following questions; I would in clear conscience and integrity be obligated to the following truthful answers:
1) Is the Congress of The United States fulfilling its’ responsibilities and obligations to the people of the United States? The Answer would have to be…NO!
2) Are the President and Vice President guilty of Unconstitutional Act? The Answer would have to be…YES!
3) Have the President and Vice President broken other laws of this nation, or simply refused to obey them? The Answer would have to be…YES!
4) Have the President and Vice President lied to this nation, the congress, the world? The Answer would have to be…YES!
5) Have the President and Vice President sent 1,000s of young Americans to their deaths in an illegal war? The Answer would have to be…YES!
6) Are the things that the President and Vice President have done, so serious that they would be considered “Criminals” in an American Court of Law. The Answer would have to be…YES!
7) Are the things that the President and Vice President so illegal that they ought be put on trial and sent to prison? The Answer would have to be…YES!
8) Have the President and Vice President been guilty of misfeasance, malfeasance, nonfeasance and the commission of high crimes and misdemeanors in office for which they should be, must be, Impeached? The Answer would have to be…YES!
9) Have the President and Vice President been guilty of “War Crimes”, Crimes against Humanity by International law for which they should be held accountable and for which they could be executed like Saddam Hussein? My Answer would have to be…YES!
10) The why is the Congress not doing anything but fighting with each like a bunch of children? My Answer would have to be…Because they are playing politics, trying to keep their jobs, win in the next election and that is more important to them than you or me, and they just don’t want to admit to the damage that that has been done and the disgrace that has been heaped on the name of The United States of America!
11) The what must we do? My Answer would have to be…we must continue to let them know what we think everyday, and if they do not listen then we will have to take to the streets in protest until America is brought to a stand still and the Congress is forced to do what the people want done. And when that is done we cannot stop because we will need to see to it when we vote again, that every member of the Congress who would not do what is morally and legally right is never elected to office again.
Sincerely, One American committed to Justice and the proposition that no one is above the law…no one!
All members of The House of Representatives
All members of The United States Senate
The Governors of The 50 States
The Editors, and Letters to The Editor Desks of all major newspapers.
Now let us turn our attention to the remainder of the steps you can take in moving the Congress, stopping this war and restoring our democracy to good health before it is too late.
Nancy Pelosi and the Democratic leaders in Congress say impeaching Bush is "off the table." We must change their minds!
Our plan is simple: we will form Impeachment Committees in all 435 Congressional Districts to persuade all of our Representatives to support impeachment.
Help us Impeach Bush by taking the following 4 steps:
1. Join (or create) an Impeachment Committee in your Congressional District.
2. Collect petitions and handwritten letters.
3. Build support for impeachment by holding an educational town forum, writing letters to the editor, etc.
4. Meet with your Representative, deliver the petitions and ask them to Impeach Bush.
More detailed instructions are below.
1. Join (or create) an Impeachment Committee in your Congressional District (existing committees here)
Login to Democrats.com
Add your street address to your profile so we can find your Congressional District (if you don't see your address and Congressional District, click "Change Personal Information" to add it)
Click the "Local" button in the navigation box at the upper left to check for the latest announcements in your Congressional District (also County and State)
Look for an announcement of an Impeachment Committee in your Congressional District. If you do see one, reply to it and say you want to help.
If you do not see one:- click the link to "create forum topic" - for subject, enter "Impeachment Committee" - for forum, choose "Impeachment - Congressional District Organizing"- for topic, choose
"ImpeachForChange"- for subscriptions, click the box if you want to get an email when someone from your district replies- for local, choose "Congressional District"- in the body, identify your Congressperson by name (if you don't know click here)- add the address of their District Office by searching for their name here and clicking their name and looking under "Contact Information" for the "District Office"(note: newly elected Members will not have offices until January)- Propose a time and place when local activists can conveniently meet - we suggest Saturday at noon at the busiest place in town, but another time and place might work better for your group
2. Collect petitions and handwritten letters (click printer-friendly version below to print this page)
download our petition form
2. Collect petitions and handwritten letters (click printer-friendly version below to print this page)
download our petition form
print as many copies as you'll need (19 signers per page)
bring clipboards and pens
bring blank paper for handwritten letters
bring an ironing board for letter writing (optional)
wear impeachment buttons or anti-war buttons
stand in a safe location that gets a lot of foot traffic (but don't block anyone)
as people approach you, ask them in a reasonably loud voice if they would like to sign our petition to impeach Bush
if they say yes, hand them the clipboard and pen and thank them
tell them you will email them when you get home so they can sign our full petition online and email it directly to their Representative and get a personal reply
ask them if they have another minute to write a personal letter that you will hand-deliver
here is a simple letter they can copy or modify: [Date] Dear Rep. X, I urge you to Impeach George Bush and Dick Cheney for violating the Constitution and breaking the law. I am particularly upset that they:- lied about Iraq to start a war- allowed torture of prisoners- gave corrupt no-bid contracts to their rich friends- wiretapped our phones and emails without a warrantSincerely,[Name and address]
when it's time to leave, find a copy shop where you can make copies of the petitions (not handwritten letters)
bring (or mail) the original petitions and letters to the Representative (you can call in advance to get the name of the District Manager and schedule a brief visit)
keep the copies to keypunch the emails (only) into our petition invitation form
the keypunchers should login and click here:
http://democrats.com/impeach-petitionand look just below the message for the "send to friend" link
the "send to friend" page lets you keypunch up to 20 email addresses, one per line
copy/paste all the emails and save them in a convenient document (Email distribution list, spreadsheet, or Word document) for future organizing in your community
press "submit"
this will email each person and invite them to sign our petition
3. Organize a Town Hall Meeting
4. Write letters to the editor and op-eds and call radio and TV talk shows because Representatives pay attention to the issues people are raising in the local media.
5. Schedule a district meeting with your Representative
Your Representative spends some work weeks in Washington and some at home.
Designate one well-spoken person to call the District Office and request a meeting with a group of impeachment supporters to discuss why impeachment is absolutely necessary.
Each member of the group should read and bring one book or serious article on impeachment and prepare a couple of sentences for the meeting summarizing the most important argument in that book or article.
The group should meet for coffee an hour before the meeting to discuss who will say what and avoid duplication.
The person who scheduled the meeting should be the first to speak and thank the Representative for the meeting and then let each person say their name and neighborhood
One person should take notes
The key questions to ask are:
Do you agree that invading Iraq on the basis of lies is an impeachable offense?
Do you agree that allowing prisoners to be tortured is an impeachable offense?
Do you agree that wiretapping countless innocent Americans without a warrant is an impeachable offense?
Do you agree that nullifying laws with signing statements is an impeachable offense?
If you agree that one or more are impeachable offenses, what will it take for you to publicly support impeachment?
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