Gore, Angry and Lucid, Attacks Bush Regime as Cruel and Corrupt
By Charles Taylor
May 24 (Bloomberg) -- Despite winning both houses of Congress, the Democrats still seem to believe they can deal reasonably with a reckless, intransigent president. And the coverage of George W. Bush by the Washington press corps reminds you why it took two police reporters to break Watergate.
Al Gore isn't having any of that in his attack on the Bush presidency, ``The Assault on Reason.'' The book -- devastating precisely because Gore has been so close to the pinnacle of American politics -- is a carefully considered elucidation of the Bush administration's crimes (the word is not too strong):
``The current White House has engaged in an unprecedented and sustained campaign of mass deception -- especially where its policies in Iraq are concerned.''
``The appointment of industry lobbyists to key positions in agencies that oversee their former employers results in a kind of institutionalized corruption and the abandonment of law enforcement and regulations.''
``The essential cruelty of Bush's game is that he takes an astonishingly selfish and greedy collection of economic and political proposals and then cloaks them with a phony moral authority.''
``We were told by the president that war was his last choice. But it is now clear that it was always his first preference.''
Fear Versus Reason
``I remember when ... it would have been inconceivable that a bipartisan panel of `experts' [the Iraq Study Group] would need to advise the president to allow his generals to tell the truth.''
Bush's ``theory of his own power is so vast that, in practice, it amounts to an assertion of power that is so obviously unconstitutional -- a power to simply declare what provisions of law he will and will not comply with.''
One of Gore's themes is how fear overwhelms reason. The Bush regime, fulfilling Walter Lippman's prophecy of the manufacture of consent, has manipulated the public's fear to push its agenda.
Yet Gore also shows what anger -- held in check and supported by facts -- can do to support reason. There's an eloquent urgency here and a concomitant absence of the boorish, hysterical invective that has poisoned public discourse.
When Gore hews to this passion, the book commands attention. His occasional brief forays into the history of science, though always germane, verge on the pedantic and recall the stiff public image he banished with his performance in ``An Inconvenient Truth.''
Print Versus TV
And it has to be said that the premise of the book is at fault. (Luckily, he returns to it only occasionally.) Gore contends that the demise of print culture and the rise of television have turned political discourse into a one-way conversation, with the immediacy of TV obliterating nuance and, through incessant repetition, giving lies the force of truth.
Of course, he's right that treating news as entertainment has corrupted it and that conglomerate control of the media has made the situation worse. In essence, though, he's selling the old saw that reading is active and viewing is passive.
That argument doesn't acknowledge that reading is a visual experience. Gore's contention that ``words are composed of abstract symbols ... that have no intrinsic meaning until they are strung together into recognizable sequences'' fails to acknowledge that they become recognizable via our eyes. His description of the way words attain meaning also describes the way filmed images are edited into a coherent sequence.
It's not the medium but its content that dumbs down the culture. Nightly network reports from Vietnam didn't distort America's perception of that war; ``An Inconvenient Truth'' didn't damage anybody's understanding of climate change. Conversely, if you read the tabloid press, your critical faculties probably won't be enhanced.
Right Versus Left
But this caveat is bupkis next to the accumulated force of Gore's case against an arrogant, corrupt and lawless administration. While ``The Assault on Reason'' focuses on the radical right (a term Gore is scrupulous about using in place of ``conservative''), his argument implicitly points to another culprit as well: If the right has shown itself willing to accommodate any debasement of our national values, the left has been too willing to embrace the belief that America at its worst is America revealed.
Gore's faith that torture and warrantless eavesdropping are a betrayal of ourselves is a rejection of this self-hatred. He won't countenance the notion that all we see when we look in the mirror is this country's nightmare image.
``The Assault on Reason'' is published by the Penguin Press (308 pages, $24.95).
(Charles Taylor is a critic for Bloomberg News. The opinions expressed are his own.)
To contact the writer of this story: Charles Taylor at ctaylor121@nyc.rr.com .
Last Updated: May 24, 2007 00:02 EDT
What Do These Crimes Have in Common?American Chronicle, CA - 19 hours agoBut there appears to be a pattern in several Bush-Cheney crimes of aiming to cheat at elections. This is what Watergate was about. ...
WASHINGTON, May 22 /PR Newswire-USNewswire/ -- At approximately 11:00 a.m. tomorrow, Congressman Dennis Kucinich will invoke a rarely used procedure to offer a privileged motion claiming one hour of time to speak on the floor of the House of Representatives about current legislative plans to privatize Iraq's oil.
This will be the first time in Congress that there has been a full discussion of the covert efforts to accomplish privatization of Iraq's oil through the supplemental spending bill.
Kucinich has alerted his colleagues to this concern in the past. Tomorrow he will do so on the floor of the House.
Kucinich argued against invading Iraq prior to the 2003 vote that authorized it. He published his case against it and helped persuade many of his colleagues to vote No. Kucinich challenged the legality of the war in court in an effort to prevent it. He proposed a detailed plan to end the occupation of Iraq over three years ago. His current plan is found in his bill HR 1234, which includes these findings:
"Any attempt to sell Iraqi oil assets during the United States occupation will be a significant stumbling block to peaceful resolution. There must be fairness in the distribution of oil resources in Iraq."
Kucinich has voted against every new funding bill for the occupation, including the recent Supplemental. He supports using the power of the purse to end the war. He opposes any attack on Iran and proposes formally forswearing the use of so-called preventive war. He has proposed the creation of a Department of Peace to address international and domestic violence.
Website: http://www.trafficresults.com/click-rabbit.php?acctid=y1p/hwUJwG0=&docid=CLTU12323052007-1&redirect=1&url=http://www.kucinich.us/
Kucinich claims war masks the real objective: Iraqi oil
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Stephen Koff
Plain Dealer Bureau Chief
Washington- It's all about Iraq's oil - rich, abundant, and coveted by multinational companies waiting to line their deep pockets.
Or so said Rep. Dennis Kucinich Wednesday in an unusual hourlong address on the House floor. He laid out his contention that the White House and Democratic-led Congress are helping oil companies grab a stake in Iraq's vast oil fields while claiming to be interested merely in winding down the Iraq war.
The claim has brought Kucinich derision within his own Democratic Party. Leaders reject the suggestion that they would help "privatize" Iraqi oil. And Republicans dismiss him altogether, with Republican Party spokesman Dan Ronayne saying, "It sounds like congressman Kucinich is trying to get noticed with a nutty conspiracy theory."
But elements of Kucinich's claim appear to be based on theories about geopolitics and oil as much as on any conspiracy.
At the heart of the issue is a measure that, if ratified by the Iraqi parliament, would set the stage for rebuilding the war-torn country's oil industry. Oil in Iraq, with the world's third-biggest reserves, could pay for massive reconstruction and modernization.
But Iraq's pipelines and terminals have been neglected or sabotaged. The industry needs to be rebuilt - yet there is promise, since only 15 of Iraq's 74 discovered oil fields have been developed, according to a study by Amy Myers Jaffe, a fellow in energy studies at Rice University in Houston.
Who should develop that? What role should Baghdad play and what role should provincial governments have? If private industry helps, how should it be rewarded?
The framework for answering these questions is in the bill before the Iraqi parliament - a bill that's been gaining detractors in Iraq. Some members of Congress - but not Kucinich - say it or some other so-called hydrocarbon act could serve as a benchmark for Congress and the administration to measure Iraq's progress. It could be a measure on which to base eventual withdrawal of American troops.
But the measure itself is mired in disagreement in Iraq, with Sunnis and Kurds differing on the central question of provincial versus central control. Some in Iraq also see the measure as a way for Western corporations to gain control through revenue- sharing provisions.
"Everyone knows that the oil law does not serve the Iraqi people, and that it serves Bush, his supporters and the foreign companies at the expense of the Iraqi people who have been wronged and deprived of their right to their oil despite enduring all difficulties," Hasan Jum'a Awwad, head of the Iraqi Federation of Oil Unions, said in a May 12 letter to Democrats in the U.S. Congress.
There's another view. Iraq's oil industry is in shambles. It needs help, but outside experts keep getting killed. Multinational oil companies, whose shareholders expect a return on investment, could help.
Iraq could go it alone, but getting higher oil output could require hard decisions, including "possible under-investment in other areas of the country's economy," Jaffe's analysis said. Iraq needs up to $10 billion to restore production to pre-war levels, she said, and more than $20 billion - "a major investment program" - to raise output to about 5 million barrels a day, the high end of its historical production levels.
"If it is decided that higher levels of production are desired," Jaffe wrote, "it is inevitable that the potential role of outside in vestors and lenders will loom large."
While that does not mean companies would give their resources and expertise out of charity, Karen Matusic, a spokeswoman for the American Petroleum Institute, says it does not mean privatization, either. She asks why Kucinich would not want to help Iraq, which lacks the tools.
"They don't have the kinds of funds or even technology needed to develop those fields," she said.
Sen. George Voinovich, an Ohio Republican, shares that view.
"That oil is capital," and all sides in Iraq need it, said Voinovich spokesman Chris Paulitz.
Kucinich agrees with the sentiment. But he worries it won't work out that way.
"It's clear," he said, "that the people of Iraq are under enormous pressure to give up their oil."
To reach this Plain Dealer reporter:
skoff@plaind.com, 216-999-4212
Congress on Verge of Approving 'Obscene Attempt' to Steal Iraq Oil
Exposes 'hydrocarbon law' benchmark as privatization WASHINGTON, May 23 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The U.S. Congress, under intense pressure from the Bush Administration, is on the verge of approving "an obscene attempt to steal the oil resources of Iraq," Democratic Congressman and Presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich said in a nationallytelevised (C-SPAN) speech today.
Gore, Angry and Lucid, Attacks Bush Regime as Cruel and Corrupt
By Charles Taylor
May 24 (Bloomberg) -- Despite winning both houses of Congress, the Democrats still seem to believe they can deal reasonably with a reckless, intransigent president. And the coverage of George W. Bush by the Washington press corps reminds you why it took two police reporters to break Watergate.
Al Gore isn't having any of that in his attack on the Bush presidency, ``The Assault on Reason.'' The book -- devastating precisely because Gore has been so close to the pinnacle of American politics -- is a carefully considered elucidation of the Bush administration's crimes (the word is not too strong):
``The current White House has engaged in an unprecedented and sustained campaign of mass deception -- especially where its policies in Iraq are concerned.''
``The appointment of industry lobbyists to key positions in agencies that oversee their former employers results in a kind of institutionalized corruption and the abandonment of law enforcement and regulations.''
``The essential cruelty of Bush's game is that he takes an astonishingly selfish and greedy collection of economic and political proposals and then cloaks them with a phony moral authority.''
``We were told by the president that war was his last choice. But it is now clear that it was always his first preference.''
Fear Versus Reason
``I remember when ... it would have been inconceivable that a bipartisan panel of `experts' [the Iraq Study Group] would need to advise the president to allow his generals to tell the truth.''
Bush's ``theory of his own power is so vast that, in practice, it amounts to an assertion of power that is so obviously unconstitutional -- a power to simply declare what provisions of law he will and will not comply with.''
One of Gore's themes is how fear overwhelms reason. The Bush regime, fulfilling Walter Lippman's prophecy of the manufacture of consent, has manipulated the public's fear to push its agenda.
Yet Gore also shows what anger -- held in check and supported by facts -- can do to support reason. There's an eloquent urgency here and a concomitant absence of the boorish, hysterical invective that has poisoned public discourse.
When Gore hews to this passion, the book commands attention. His occasional brief forays into the history of science, though always germane, verge on the pedantic and recall the stiff public image he banished with his performance in ``An Inconvenient Truth.''
Print Versus TV
And it has to be said that the premise of the book is at fault. (Luckily, he returns to it only occasionally.) Gore contends that the demise of print culture and the rise of television have turned political discourse into a one-way conversation, with the immediacy of TV obliterating nuance and, through incessant repetition, giving lies the force of truth.
Of course, he's right that treating news as entertainment has corrupted it and that conglomerate control of the media has made the situation worse. In essence, though, he's selling the old saw that reading is active and viewing is passive.
That argument doesn't acknowledge that reading is a visual experience. Gore's contention that ``words are composed of abstract symbols ... that have no intrinsic meaning until they are strung together into recognizable sequences'' fails to acknowledge that they become recognizable via our eyes. His description of the way words attain meaning also describes the way filmed images are edited into a coherent sequence.
It's not the medium but its content that dumbs down the culture. Nightly network reports from Vietnam didn't distort America's perception of that war; ``An Inconvenient Truth'' didn't damage anybody's understanding of climate change. Conversely, if you read the tabloid press, your critical faculties probably won't be enhanced.
Right Versus Left
But this caveat is bupkis next to the accumulated force of Gore's case against an arrogant, corrupt and lawless administration. While ``The Assault on Reason'' focuses on the radical right (a term Gore is scrupulous about using in place of ``conservative''), his argument implicitly points to another culprit as well: If the right has shown itself willing to accommodate any debasement of our national values, the left has been too willing to embrace the belief that America at its worst is America revealed.
Gore's faith that torture and warrantless eavesdropping are a betrayal of ourselves is a rejection of this self-hatred. He won't countenance the notion that all we see when we look in the mirror is this country's nightmare image.
``The Assault on Reason'' is published by the Penguin Press (308 pages, $24.95).
(Charles Taylor is a critic for Bloomberg News. The opinions expressed are his own.)
To contact the writer of this story: Charles Taylor at ctaylor121@nyc.rr.com .
Last Updated: May 24, 2007 00:02 EDT
What Do These Crimes Have in Common?American Chronicle, CA - 19 hours agoBut there appears to be a pattern in several Bush-Cheney crimes of aiming to cheat at elections. This is what Watergate was about. ...
WASHINGTON, May 22 /PR Newswire-USNewswire/ -- At approximately 11:00 a.m. tomorrow, Congressman Dennis Kucinich will invoke a rarely used procedure to offer a privileged motion claiming one hour of time to speak on the floor of the House of Representatives about current legislative plans to privatize Iraq's oil.
This will be the first time in Congress that there has been a full discussion of the covert efforts to accomplish privatization of Iraq's oil through the supplemental spending bill.
Kucinich has alerted his colleagues to this concern in the past. Tomorrow he will do so on the floor of the House.
Kucinich argued against invading Iraq prior to the 2003 vote that authorized it. He published his case against it and helped persuade many of his colleagues to vote No. Kucinich challenged the legality of the war in court in an effort to prevent it. He proposed a detailed plan to end the occupation of Iraq over three years ago. His current plan is found in his bill HR 1234, which includes these findings:
"Any attempt to sell Iraqi oil assets during the United States occupation will be a significant stumbling block to peaceful resolution. There must be fairness in the distribution of oil resources in Iraq."
Kucinich has voted against every new funding bill for the occupation, including the recent Supplemental. He supports using the power of the purse to end the war. He opposes any attack on Iran and proposes formally forswearing the use of so-called preventive war. He has proposed the creation of a Department of Peace to address international and domestic violence.
Website: http://www.trafficresults.com/click-rabbit.php?acctid=y1p/hwUJwG0=&docid=CLTU12323052007-1&redirect=1&url=http://www.kucinich.us/
Kucinich claims war masks the real objective: Iraqi oil
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Stephen Koff
Plain Dealer Bureau Chief
Washington- It's all about Iraq's oil - rich, abundant, and coveted by multinational companies waiting to line their deep pockets.
Or so said Rep. Dennis Kucinich Wednesday in an unusual hourlong address on the House floor. He laid out his contention that the White House and Democratic-led Congress are helping oil companies grab a stake in Iraq's vast oil fields while claiming to be interested merely in winding down the Iraq war.
The claim has brought Kucinich derision within his own Democratic Party. Leaders reject the suggestion that they would help "privatize" Iraqi oil. And Republicans dismiss him altogether, with Republican Party spokesman Dan Ronayne saying, "It sounds like congressman Kucinich is trying to get noticed with a nutty conspiracy theory."
But elements of Kucinich's claim appear to be based on theories about geopolitics and oil as much as on any conspiracy.
At the heart of the issue is a measure that, if ratified by the Iraqi parliament, would set the stage for rebuilding the war-torn country's oil industry. Oil in Iraq, with the world's third-biggest reserves, could pay for massive reconstruction and modernization.
But Iraq's pipelines and terminals have been neglected or sabotaged. The industry needs to be rebuilt - yet there is promise, since only 15 of Iraq's 74 discovered oil fields have been developed, according to a study by Amy Myers Jaffe, a fellow in energy studies at Rice University in Houston.
Who should develop that? What role should Baghdad play and what role should provincial governments have? If private industry helps, how should it be rewarded?
The framework for answering these questions is in the bill before the Iraqi parliament - a bill that's been gaining detractors in Iraq. Some members of Congress - but not Kucinich - say it or some other so-called hydrocarbon act could serve as a benchmark for Congress and the administration to measure Iraq's progress. It could be a measure on which to base eventual withdrawal of American troops.
But the measure itself is mired in disagreement in Iraq, with Sunnis and Kurds differing on the central question of provincial versus central control. Some in Iraq also see the measure as a way for Western corporations to gain control through revenue- sharing provisions.
"Everyone knows that the oil law does not serve the Iraqi people, and that it serves Bush, his supporters and the foreign companies at the expense of the Iraqi people who have been wronged and deprived of their right to their oil despite enduring all difficulties," Hasan Jum'a Awwad, head of the Iraqi Federation of Oil Unions, said in a May 12 letter to Democrats in the U.S. Congress.
There's another view. Iraq's oil industry is in shambles. It needs help, but outside experts keep getting killed. Multinational oil companies, whose shareholders expect a return on investment, could help.
Iraq could go it alone, but getting higher oil output could require hard decisions, including "possible under-investment in other areas of the country's economy," Jaffe's analysis said. Iraq needs up to $10 billion to restore production to pre-war levels, she said, and more than $20 billion - "a major investment program" - to raise output to about 5 million barrels a day, the high end of its historical production levels.
"If it is decided that higher levels of production are desired," Jaffe wrote, "it is inevitable that the potential role of outside in vestors and lenders will loom large."
While that does not mean companies would give their resources and expertise out of charity, Karen Matusic, a spokeswoman for the American Petroleum Institute, says it does not mean privatization, either. She asks why Kucinich would not want to help Iraq, which lacks the tools.
"They don't have the kinds of funds or even technology needed to develop those fields," she said.
Sen. George Voinovich, an Ohio Republican, shares that view.
"That oil is capital," and all sides in Iraq need it, said Voinovich spokesman Chris Paulitz.
Kucinich agrees with the sentiment. But he worries it won't work out that way.
"It's clear," he said, "that the people of Iraq are under enormous pressure to give up their oil."
To reach this Plain Dealer reporter:
skoff@plaind.com, 216-999-4212
Congress on Verge of Approving 'Obscene Attempt' to Steal Iraq Oil
Exposes 'hydrocarbon law' benchmark as privatization WASHINGTON, May 23 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The U.S. Congress, under intense pressure from the Bush Administration, is on the verge of approving "an obscene attempt to steal the oil resources of Iraq," Democratic Congressman and Presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich said in a nationallytelevised (C-SPAN) speech today.
In an impeccably documented, point-by-point analysis of a little-known provision buried in the Iraq war-funding appropriation under considerationby the U.S. House of Representatives, Kucinich challenged other Housemembers to strip the provision from the bill, or, agree with him that the entire bill should be defeated. The latter option, embodied in Kucinich-sponsored H.R. 1234, would cutoff additional funding for the war and almost immediately begin the process of bringing U.S. troops home. It would also, Kucinich said, send a strong and clear message to the White House: "This war is over, Mr. President."
In an unprecedented, televised hour-long address on the floor of the House, Kucinich, the only Presidential candidate who voted against the original war authorization in 2002 and every war-funding measure since, cited scores of unimpeachable sources and documents supporting his position that the current war appropriation might put upwards of 80 percent of Iraq's estimated $21 trillion in oil resources into the hands of international oil and energy corporations.
"I would like to believe that this war wasn't about oil," Kucinich said. "But I know better." He also noted that his colleagues in the Houseand the Senate had access to the same "million" sources of information thathe did, but failed to recognize the implications of the "hydrocarbon law"benchmark, in part because of intense lobbying and pressure from theAdministration.
"I would like to believe that this war wasn't about oil," Kucinich said. "But I know better." He also noted that his colleagues in the Houseand the Senate had access to the same "million" sources of information thathe did, but failed to recognize the implications of the "hydrocarbon law"benchmark, in part because of intense lobbying and pressure from theAdministration.
The Administration-sponsored language in the current appropriations bill couches Iraq's passage of a "broadly accepted" hydrocarbon law as away of ensuring that oil revenues are shared equitably among the country'sregions. Instead, Kucinich charged, "It's not about sharing revenues equitably."
The real goal, he said, referencing documents that pre-date the2003 invasion of Iraq, was to turn over up to 80 percent of Iraq's oilreserves to multi- national oil corporations. He provided documentation, some dating back to 1999, showing that international oil interests and representatives of the Administration, notably Vice President Dick Cheney, have been strategizing for years about how to open up Iraq's oil industry to exploitation by the world's major oil corporations.
The real goal, he said, referencing documents that pre-date the2003 invasion of Iraq, was to turn over up to 80 percent of Iraq's oilreserves to multi- national oil corporations. He provided documentation, some dating back to 1999, showing that international oil interests and representatives of the Administration, notably Vice President Dick Cheney, have been strategizing for years about how to open up Iraq's oil industry to exploitation by the world's major oil corporations.
Kucinich provided evidence that, for years, top oil company executives have been advising the U.S. government and the evolving government of Iraq on ways to end Iraq's state-controlled oil industry and to facilitate"foreign investment." Those powerful executives, Kucinich said, have been coveting Iraq's oil reserves -- the second or third largest in the world --since the country nationalized its oil industry in 1975. In his speech, Kucinich quoted U.S. officials, oil industry leaders and analysts, Iraqi officials, and independent policy and research groups to corroborate his long standing position that "it's always been about oil."
As he closed his impassioned message to House colleagues, Kucinich urged, "Let's take a stand for truth and justice. Let's take a stand for what's right." "The war in Iraq is a stain on American history. Let us not further besmirch our nation by participating in the outrageous exploitation of anation which is in shambles due to U.S. intervention."
As he closed his impassioned message to House colleagues, Kucinich urged, "Let's take a stand for truth and justice. Let's take a stand for what's right." "The war in Iraq is a stain on American history. Let us not further besmirch our nation by participating in the outrageous exploitation of anation which is in shambles due to U.S. intervention."
He concluded, "The truth is what I've told this Congress today."
A Widening Chasm on Impeachment CounterPunch - Petrolia,CA,USABy DAVE LINDORFF. *Body counts. Remember when the US used to claim things like "250 Vietcong" killed during a firefight, most of whom turned out to be ...See all stories on this topic
Impeach The President? At Least 400000 In Online...By By Darryl Mason(By Darryl Mason) Today, through a Google News search, we found at least 90 news stories, articles and opinion columns, published in the US, discussing or urging impeachment of President Bush, or the impeachment of Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney. ...THE LAST DAYS OF PRESIDENT GEORGE... - http://lastdaysofpresidentbush.blogspot.com/
Ed. Dickau: A political activist since his Freshman year in college, Ed. began his political ... The Black Quill Letters: Letter No.2: The Neocon Menace ...theblackquillletters.blogspot.com/index.html - 182k - Supplemental Result - Cached - Similar pages
The Black Quill Letters: The Black Quill Letters: Letter No.2: The ...
The Black Quill Letters No.3: When Fascism Comes T. ... Ed. Dickau: A political activist since his Freshman year in college, Ed. began his political career ...theblackquillletters.blogspot.com/2007/03/black-quill-letters-letter-no2-neocon.html - 174k - Supplemental Result - Cached - Similar pages
Precinct Master: January 2007
The Black Quill Letters. Cafe Le Coffee Ed’s Photo Gallery: Article and Info ... Together we can end this war! Posted by Ed, Dickau at 5:34 AM 0 comments ...precinctmaster.blogspot.com/2007_01_01_archive.html - 250k - Supplemental Result - Cached - Similar pages
Ohio, 1st Kucinich then Oberlin…Yes
After Downing Street.Org
Code Pink Women For Peace
These are women to be proud of…not Nancy Pelosi!
Dave Lindorff (Must Read Site)
Letter BoxBrattleboro Reformer, VT - 23 hours agoOnce we stop allowing our congressman and others to call the occupation a war, we can begin to see the impeachment process much more clearly. ...
Iraq war doesn't factor into impeachment effort
Editor of the Reformer:
In response to Dan DeWalt's column on impeachment in Saturday's Reformer, it isn't about the "war" in Iraq.
Once we stop allowing our congressman and others to call the occupation a war, we can begin to see the impeachment process much more clearly.
Although the most blatant abuses of power center around the war lies, the occupation, as it now exists, is not the main reason we need to impeach Bush and Cheney. Our main reasons should include their complete disregard of the Geneva Conventions, their disregard for the other branches of government and their suspension of habeas corpus.
Our main focus should include the need to protect the office of president of the United States from men and women who would be dictators and use signing laws to circumvent the will of the people and the laws of the land.
Our main concern should be that our children and grandchildren see that when laws are broken there are consequences and that we are collectively looking out for their best interests by enforcing those laws, even if it means dismissing our president and vice president.
At present, my children's generation are learning that when caught breaking laws, it is useful and indeed sufficient to say, "mistakes were made," or "I take responsibility for my actions." What does that mean? How do we hold those people to account?
If we were to use these phrases as a defense for any of the American citizens who are now facing criminal proceedings in court, it is doubtful that any of them would have their charges dropped. But, equally uncertain is whether there is at present any prisoner in U.S. custody whose crimes have adversely affected so many as have the crimes of Bush and Cheney.
You cannot reduce the lives of tens of thousands of innocent people to "collateral damage," nor can you so easily dismiss the heinous crime of sending an innocent Canadian citizen to Syria for torture with no trial, no attorney, no contact with anyone who could help him proclaim his innocence. One man should never have the power, in this country, the United States of America, to wave the right to a fair trial. This one act in itself threatens all of us and is perhaps the biggest crime of all.
I think highly of our Vermont delegation, but I am tired of hearing the impeachment referred to as a "tactic" for ending the "war." It isn't about the "war."
We cannot allow the two parties' need to strategize for 2008 overrule the people's need for a return to American values. This disregard of our very passionate need to see justice done is fueling a deep cynicism and distrust of the government that will cause long-term damage to our democracy.
It is way past time for impeachmentHendersonville Times News, NC - May 21, 2007To The Editor: I don't believe for one second that the Bush administration hasn't now -- on top of everything else -- totally corrupted our federal justice ...
Activists press Welch on impeachment, war funding
By Lisa Rathke / Associated Press
WHITE RIVER JUNCTION, Vt. --Impeachment activists called on U.S. Rep. Peter Welch at an emotional meeting Saturday to initiate impeachment investigations against President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney as they criticized him for supporting additional funding for the war.
At the town meeting style forum Welch -- who said Thursday that he supports a redeployment bill that would fund the war for two more months -- told the feisty crowd that his goal was to end the war in Iraq and impeachment proceedings would interfere and prolong the fighting.
This is not good enough, not satisfactory, not justice!
Ben Burd of Middlebury disagreed. "We need to judge them now," he said, asking Welch to stop the funding for the war and call for impeachment. "Let the American people know the truth," he said.
About 200 people turned out for the meeting, which was requested by activists. On Saturday, Welch extended the gathering from 90 minutes to two hours so most people who wanted to speak could.
He praised those involved with the impeachment movement in Vermont for "sending a message that we're fed up with the direction of the country. We want our civil liberties protected, we want the Constitution protected ... and we want to end the war in Iraq."
Welch said he disagreed with impeachment but agreed with the indictment against the president.
That response wasn't enough for most in the crowd.
Adrienne Kinne of Sharon, who served in the Army and Army Reserves from 1994 to 2004, said she wondered why "our soldiers are serving this country in defense of our Constitution when Congress is doing nothing to stop Bush and Cheney and the Bush administration from denigrating our Constitution and our American way of life."
Others said Welch didn't have to choose between ending the war and impeachment and said Congress should hold the president and vice president accountable for what they believe were impeachable offenses.
At times the exchanges were testy. Welch was interrupted during his responses, and shouted at from the bleachers in the Hartford High School gymnasium. One of the final speakers threw a microphone in the air when asked to limit his testimony. But a majority at the meeting called for civil discourse.
Welch said he would deliver what he learned Saturday in a speech on the House floor about the grassroots impeachment movement in Vermont, and enter into the Congressional Record a letter from the mother of a fallen soldier.
Last month the state Senate adopted a resolution calling for Congress to begin impeachment proceedings against the president and vice president. That action followed votes in 40 towns around the state that adopted similar resolutions at their annual town meetings in March.
Organizers said they hoped to hold future meetings with Welch on the topic, including one with Rep. Ohio Rep. Dennis Kucinich, who introduced articles of impeachment against Vice President Dick Cheney. Welch said Saturday that he was there to hear their views on impeachment and not to schedule future meetings but said under pressure that he discuss the possibility, depending on his schedule.
Impeachment Now poll..!
Ok just for fun let's try this who favors Impeachment investigations to start immediately in Congress..John Edwards '08 Blog: - http://blog.johnedwards.com
May 16, 2007 at 09:30:02
The Roots of Disaster: Impeachment As Remedy
by Bernard Weiner, The Crisis Papers Page 1 of 3 page(s)
By Bernard Weiner, The Crisis Papers
A Widening Chasm on Impeachment CounterPunch - Petrolia,CA,USABy DAVE LINDORFF. *Body counts. Remember when the US used to claim things like "250 Vietcong" killed during a firefight, most of whom turned out to be ...See all stories on this topic
Impeach The President? At Least 400000 In Online...By By Darryl Mason(By Darryl Mason) Today, through a Google News search, we found at least 90 news stories, articles and opinion columns, published in the US, discussing or urging impeachment of President Bush, or the impeachment of Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney. ...THE LAST DAYS OF PRESIDENT GEORGE... - http://lastdaysofpresidentbush.blogspot.com/
Ed. Dickau: A political activist since his Freshman year in college, Ed. began his political ... The Black Quill Letters: Letter No.2: The Neocon Menace ...theblackquillletters.blogspot.com/index.html - 182k - Supplemental Result - Cached - Similar pages
The Black Quill Letters: The Black Quill Letters: Letter No.2: The ...
The Black Quill Letters No.3: When Fascism Comes T. ... Ed. Dickau: A political activist since his Freshman year in college, Ed. began his political career ...theblackquillletters.blogspot.com/2007/03/black-quill-letters-letter-no2-neocon.html - 174k - Supplemental Result - Cached - Similar pages
Precinct Master: January 2007
The Black Quill Letters. Cafe Le Coffee Ed’s Photo Gallery: Article and Info ... Together we can end this war! Posted by Ed, Dickau at 5:34 AM 0 comments ...precinctmaster.blogspot.com/2007_01_01_archive.html - 250k - Supplemental Result - Cached - Similar pages
Ohio, 1st Kucinich then Oberlin…Yes
After Downing Street.Org
Code Pink Women For Peace
These are women to be proud of…not Nancy Pelosi!
Dave Lindorff (Must Read Site)
Letter BoxBrattleboro Reformer, VT - 23 hours agoOnce we stop allowing our congressman and others to call the occupation a war, we can begin to see the impeachment process much more clearly. ...
Iraq war doesn't factor into impeachment effort
Editor of the Reformer:
In response to Dan DeWalt's column on impeachment in Saturday's Reformer, it isn't about the "war" in Iraq.
Once we stop allowing our congressman and others to call the occupation a war, we can begin to see the impeachment process much more clearly.
Although the most blatant abuses of power center around the war lies, the occupation, as it now exists, is not the main reason we need to impeach Bush and Cheney. Our main reasons should include their complete disregard of the Geneva Conventions, their disregard for the other branches of government and their suspension of habeas corpus.
Our main focus should include the need to protect the office of president of the United States from men and women who would be dictators and use signing laws to circumvent the will of the people and the laws of the land.
Our main concern should be that our children and grandchildren see that when laws are broken there are consequences and that we are collectively looking out for their best interests by enforcing those laws, even if it means dismissing our president and vice president.
At present, my children's generation are learning that when caught breaking laws, it is useful and indeed sufficient to say, "mistakes were made," or "I take responsibility for my actions." What does that mean? How do we hold those people to account?
If we were to use these phrases as a defense for any of the American citizens who are now facing criminal proceedings in court, it is doubtful that any of them would have their charges dropped. But, equally uncertain is whether there is at present any prisoner in U.S. custody whose crimes have adversely affected so many as have the crimes of Bush and Cheney.
You cannot reduce the lives of tens of thousands of innocent people to "collateral damage," nor can you so easily dismiss the heinous crime of sending an innocent Canadian citizen to Syria for torture with no trial, no attorney, no contact with anyone who could help him proclaim his innocence. One man should never have the power, in this country, the United States of America, to wave the right to a fair trial. This one act in itself threatens all of us and is perhaps the biggest crime of all.
I think highly of our Vermont delegation, but I am tired of hearing the impeachment referred to as a "tactic" for ending the "war." It isn't about the "war."
We cannot allow the two parties' need to strategize for 2008 overrule the people's need for a return to American values. This disregard of our very passionate need to see justice done is fueling a deep cynicism and distrust of the government that will cause long-term damage to our democracy.
It is way past time for impeachmentHendersonville Times News, NC - May 21, 2007To The Editor: I don't believe for one second that the Bush administration hasn't now -- on top of everything else -- totally corrupted our federal justice ...
Activists press Welch on impeachment, war funding
By Lisa Rathke / Associated Press
WHITE RIVER JUNCTION, Vt. --Impeachment activists called on U.S. Rep. Peter Welch at an emotional meeting Saturday to initiate impeachment investigations against President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney as they criticized him for supporting additional funding for the war.
At the town meeting style forum Welch -- who said Thursday that he supports a redeployment bill that would fund the war for two more months -- told the feisty crowd that his goal was to end the war in Iraq and impeachment proceedings would interfere and prolong the fighting.
This is not good enough, not satisfactory, not justice!
Ben Burd of Middlebury disagreed. "We need to judge them now," he said, asking Welch to stop the funding for the war and call for impeachment. "Let the American people know the truth," he said.
About 200 people turned out for the meeting, which was requested by activists. On Saturday, Welch extended the gathering from 90 minutes to two hours so most people who wanted to speak could.
He praised those involved with the impeachment movement in Vermont for "sending a message that we're fed up with the direction of the country. We want our civil liberties protected, we want the Constitution protected ... and we want to end the war in Iraq."
Welch said he disagreed with impeachment but agreed with the indictment against the president.
That response wasn't enough for most in the crowd.
Adrienne Kinne of Sharon, who served in the Army and Army Reserves from 1994 to 2004, said she wondered why "our soldiers are serving this country in defense of our Constitution when Congress is doing nothing to stop Bush and Cheney and the Bush administration from denigrating our Constitution and our American way of life."
Others said Welch didn't have to choose between ending the war and impeachment and said Congress should hold the president and vice president accountable for what they believe were impeachable offenses.
At times the exchanges were testy. Welch was interrupted during his responses, and shouted at from the bleachers in the Hartford High School gymnasium. One of the final speakers threw a microphone in the air when asked to limit his testimony. But a majority at the meeting called for civil discourse.
Welch said he would deliver what he learned Saturday in a speech on the House floor about the grassroots impeachment movement in Vermont, and enter into the Congressional Record a letter from the mother of a fallen soldier.
Last month the state Senate adopted a resolution calling for Congress to begin impeachment proceedings against the president and vice president. That action followed votes in 40 towns around the state that adopted similar resolutions at their annual town meetings in March.
Organizers said they hoped to hold future meetings with Welch on the topic, including one with Rep. Ohio Rep. Dennis Kucinich, who introduced articles of impeachment against Vice President Dick Cheney. Welch said Saturday that he was there to hear their views on impeachment and not to schedule future meetings but said under pressure that he discuss the possibility, depending on his schedule.
Impeachment Now poll..!
Ok just for fun let's try this who favors Impeachment investigations to start immediately in Congress..John Edwards '08 Blog: - http://blog.johnedwards.com
May 16, 2007 at 09:30:02
The Roots of Disaster: Impeachment As Remedy
by Bernard Weiner, The Crisis Papers Page 1 of 3 page(s)
By Bernard Weiner, The Crisis Papers
What was the route that led the U.S. to its present fiasco in Iraq and elsewhere? We'll get to impeachment below, but for now let's trace back the thread, starting in 1947. This narrative may seem like old history, but it adds to better understanding of how we got from there then to here now. (Much of the shorthand analysis below is derived from my doctoral dissertation on the "Truman Doctrine.")
America, having helped defeat the then-reining "Axis of Evil" -- the fascist triumverate of Germany, Japan, Italy -- was eager to return to post-war normalcy. U.S. troops returned home from Europe and the Pacific; industry converted from manufacturing war materiel to homes, cars, refrigerators; the U.S. economy was starting to hum. Though some Republican rightwingers were suggesting the U.S. should "finish the job" by "rolling back" Stalin's control of Eastern Europe, there wasn't much stomach for starting another world war so soon after the last one ended.
( http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/HL0505/S00255.htm )
The British had covertly let the president know that postwar strains on the Empire were taking their toll on that country's economic and political systems. And then, suddenly, the Brits openly informed their American allies that their situation was so tenuous that the U.S. would have to take over the job of propping up the pro-West governments in Turkey and Greece. (Greece had a large, active, armed Communist Party in struggle against the rightwing government.)
President Harry Truman recognized that, given the problems facing the weakened British Empire, the U.S. would indeed have to step in, at least economically, to stabilize the post-war situation. But since Truman hadn't informed the Congress about any of this, suddenly asking them to pony up $400 million for the embattled Greek and Turkish governments was going to be a tough sell.Truman, a Democrat facing a Republican Congress, asked the chair of the Foreign Relations Committee, GOP Senator Arthur Vandenberg, for his support. If you want to get that money out of Congress, Vandenberg said, you'll have to "scare hell out of the country." In other words, take a minor budget item and blow it out of all proportion -- couched in a struggle against a Soviet-led, worldwide "Red Menace."
And thus "The Truman Doctrine," initiated by the president and backed by the rabidly anti-Soviet Republicans, was born.
And thus "The Truman Doctrine," initiated by the president and backed by the rabidly anti-Soviet Republicans, was born.
That doctrine basically said that from now on, the U.S. would take action anywhere in the world to combat Communism. Greece/Turkey was the region where the fight would start.Congress did grant Truman the funds for Greece and Turkey, and in so doing the U.S. took a giant step away from its predominantly isolationist stance in world politics. But by agreeing to engage "the enemy" anywhere Communism reared its head, the U.S. locked itself into an unworkable, unrealistic, ultimately self-defeating policy.It was precisely that ideology and worldview that influenced U.S. actions years later when America took over the colonial war in Vietnam that had defeated the French. As the years went by, the U.S. found itself trapped in an Asian quagmire it never fully comprehended, and resisted the popular clamor to cut their losses and bring the boys home.
I think you can see where I'm going with this ancient history: "scaring hell out of the country" is not a concept unknown in our current situation.The new "communists," so to speak -- Islamic extremists -- bloodied the nose of their American enemy on September 11, 2001 by slaughtering nearly 3000 in New York and Washington. Bush vowed to retaliate. Bush and his neo-con advisers, who already had Iraq in their crosshairs long before 9/11, could have chosen to mount a global campaign to locate, isolate and capture/kill those responsible for the attacks; in other words, it could have treated the conspiracy as an international criminal matter. But that would yield Bush and his supporters very little, politically speaking, especially since the rightwing GOP agenda in Congress was going nowhere.In short, Bush&Co. decided they needed to "scare hell out of the country" -- using supposed WMDs controlled by Saddam, allusions to Iraq-delivered nuclear bombs going off in the U.S., etc. -- in order to gain public approval for the extreme actions the Administration was about to take. A permanent "war against terrorism" would help maintain that level of fright.
Americans probably wouldn't go along with the radical re-direction required, said a Project for The New American Century report (major players: Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Cheney), until or unless a "new Pearl Harbor" occurred. Condi Rice, days after 9/11, said the U.S. should seize the "opportunity" offered by 9/11 for the implementation of its agenda. Whether by conscious action or just plain coincidence, the next "Pearl Harbor" definitely had arrived.
The decision by Bush&Co. to launch a war of choice against Iraq was based on numerous lies and misconceptions, the supposed WMD being just the most obvious. But there was another huge mistake that was barely noticed.And so it's back to my dissertation on the origins of the Cold War. The American government believed that Communism was a monolithic movement all across the globe; there was little or no recognition that "national communism" could even exist: that Yugoslav communism was different from the variety practiced by the Vietnamese, that Greek communism was distinguishable from that in the Soviet Union, that Chinese communism was different from Romania's -- in short, that there were national interests involved that sometimes trumped Communist solidarity.
The decision by Bush&Co. to launch a war of choice against Iraq was based on numerous lies and misconceptions, the supposed WMD being just the most obvious. But there was another huge mistake that was barely noticed.And so it's back to my dissertation on the origins of the Cold War. The American government believed that Communism was a monolithic movement all across the globe; there was little or no recognition that "national communism" could even exist: that Yugoslav communism was different from the variety practiced by the Vietnamese, that Greek communism was distinguishable from that in the Soviet Union, that Chinese communism was different from Romania's -- in short, that there were national interests involved that sometimes trumped Communist solidarity.
Seeing the enemy as a monolith during the Cold War meant that policies based on that simplistic interpretation of Communism were often ill-conceived and dangerously wrong-headed; diplomatic interventions targeted to specific national concerns tended not to be attempted, the results of which were disasters of one sort or another.In the case of Vietnam, for example, this short-sighted analysis of Communist nations led to the deaths of more than 54,000 U.S. troops and as many as two million Vietnamese; the U.S. government could not see that Ho Chi Minh was a nationalist communist, and ignored Vietnam's long history of repelling invaders from China, France and elsewhere.Which brings us to the current Bush Administration and its GOP supporters, who appear to base their policies on the premise that all Islamic jihadists are part of the same monolithic movement.
Islamists may be moving in roughly the same direction in some loose, even metaphorical, sense. But the Cheney Bush Administration and its supporters don't speculate that way. In the run-up to the war, and even today, many of them conflate those who carried out the 9/11 attacks with the Iraq of Saddam Hussein, as if they were part of a singular Muslim conspiracy -- even though Saddam regarded Islamists as threats to his dictatorial hold on a secular Iraq and murdered them whenever and wherever he found them.
CheneyBush's limited, one-size-fits-all view of the world translates to judging a jihadist in Iraq as being the same as one in Lebanon or Palestine. And thus the U.S. has missed innumerable opportunities to split off Iraqi nationalist fighters from the more extremist Islamist jihadists. Similarly, that attitude has prevented the Administration from talking seriously with neighboring Syria and Iran -- who have their own nationalist concerns with regard to Iraq -- about ways to end the war. Seeing the world through monofaceted, ideological glasses puts foreign/military policy on automatic pilot, while manipulating the press and public with frightening stories of supposedly imminent attacks by a grotesque terrorist-monster.Intelligent foreign policy requires a knowlege of history and politics and religion and language, and a whole lot more.
Had the CheneyBush Administration possessed some of that understanding (or listened to those that did), they might not have blundered their way into the wholesale catastrophe that is its Iraq War and Occupation.
For example, they might have listened to their own experts in the State Department and CIA who issued prescient warnings about the likely consequences of attacking and occupying Iraq. They might have heard their European allies advising them not to make a huge mistake by invading that country. They might have been able to hear what 10 million ordinary citizens all around the globe were trying to tell them as they marched and demonstrated against America's about-to-begin war of choice.But Cheney, Bush, Rumsfeld and the rest of the neo-con ideologues were blinded by their technological might, by the fact that the U.S. was the only superpower left standing after the Soviet Union fell apart, and by their feeling they could do whatever they wanted to do in the world since nobody could stop them.
Since the Iraq war was launched on the basis of lies and deceptions (and a load of self-deceptions), and was being carried out by incompetents and greedy exploiters way over their heads, their enterprise was doomed from the start. They were unable to admit their errors in policy and execution, and could not accept the fact that their war had stirred-up a hornet's nest of nationalist rebellion in Iraq and elsewhere in the Greater Middle East. Lacking a "Plan B," they compounded their disastrous war and occupation by doing little but "staying the course" with a failed policy for several years.
Eventually, the barest hints of reality made their way into their illusion-based policy, and, at the last minute -- or, more accurately, way past the last minute -- they admitted to themselves that things weren't going well and so tried for a massive do-over with their "surge" of additional tens of thousands of troops into the fray, with thousands more on their way and the field-generals asking for still more.
That policy of escalating the war didn't work in Vietnam, and it isn't working in Iraq. The die was cast long ago and now the only question is whether CheneyBush will be able to stretch out the new "surging" escalation of the war through the November 2008 election.But political support for the continued occupation and escalation of the war in Iraq is quickly evaporating. Former commanding generals in intelligence and in the Iraq theatre (such as Generals Odom, Batiste, Eaton, et al.) are openly denouncing the Administration's disastrous war policies, and reportedly serving generals have said they will resign in protest if the escalation is renewed in the Fall absent clearcut signs of political/military progress.
That policy of escalating the war didn't work in Vietnam, and it isn't working in Iraq. The die was cast long ago and now the only question is whether CheneyBush will be able to stretch out the new "surging" escalation of the war through the November 2008 election.But political support for the continued occupation and escalation of the war in Iraq is quickly evaporating. Former commanding generals in intelligence and in the Iraq theatre (such as Generals Odom, Batiste, Eaton, et al.) are openly denouncing the Administration's disastrous war policies, and reportedly serving generals have said they will resign in protest if the escalation is renewed in the Fall absent clearcut signs of political/military progress.
Delegations of Republican member of Congress are denouncing the CheneyBush war policies to their faces in private White House meetings. The polls continue to reveal the depth of the revulsion nearly two-thirds of Americans have for the Administration's grossly mismanaged war effort in Iraq and the public's desire to end the conflict and bring the troops home.
Since it doesn't appear that any significant changes in U.S. Iraq policy will be implemented while Cheney Bush rule, and since that policy is endangering America abroad and shredding the Constitution at home, only one legal remedy is available to the Congress and citizenry: impeachment.
To do nothing, to let Cheney Bush run out the clock until the next presidential election, is to consign thousands and thousands of additional U.S. troops and Iraqi civilians to death and injury.
Do we citizens want that blood on our hands, on our consciences? I don't think so.
There are more than enough impeachable offenses ("high crimes and misdemeanors") committed by Cheney and Bush, and their morally corrupt Attorney General, to warrant the immediate convening of a House impeachment panel.
The charges would include the lies and deceptions that took this country into an unnecessary war in Iraq, now in its fifth stalemated year; the various manglings of the Constitution that have changed America from a democratic republic to an authoritarian near-dictatorship, thus robbing the citizenry of their rights and legal protections; the refusal to comply with Congressional directives, subpoenas and orders for the production of official documents and records. (Lest we forget, that last one was a key part of the charges voted by the House impeachment panel probing President Nixon's crimes.
Stonewalling, cover up, corruption, wars of choice, wrecking the Constitution -- these emblems of Cheney Bush rule cannot be permitted to continue for another year-and-a-half, lest the nation be effectively destroyed from within.It's long past time for the Democrats and traditional conservative Republicans to begin to rectify the damage done by this reckless, arrogant, bullying, corrupt, power-mad Administration. To get that process moving, impeachment hearings should commence. Now.
Bernard Weiner, Ph.D., has taught government & international relations at universites in California and Washington, worked as a writer/editor with the San Francisco Chronicle for nearly two decades, and currently co-edits The Crisis Papers (www.crisispapers.org). To comment: crisispapers@comcast.net .First published by The Crisis Papers and Democratic Underground 5/15/07.www.crisispapers.org/essays7w/roots.htm Copyright 2007 by Bernard Weiner.
Bernard Weiner, Ph.D. in government & international relations, has taught at various universities, worked as a writer-editor at the San Francisco Chronicle, and currently co-edits The Crisis Papers (www.crisispapers.org). For comment, write >> crisispapers@comcast.net
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The Summation of the Case for ImpeachmentBy Iggy Junior(Iggy Junior) Excuse one, offered by Speaker Nancy Pelosi, is that impeachment would be a diversion from Democrats’ main goals of ending the Iraq War, and passing important legislation. The reality, of course, is that many of the administration’s ...Iggy Junior - http://iggyjr.blogspot.com/
The Impeachment Chronicles: Carter on Point While Bush Promotes ...Political Cortex, NY - 7 hours agoBy Bill Hare. Jimmy Carter's timely criticisms of George W. Bush's executive stewardship call attention once more to another war and impeachment discussion ...
Has the Cabal Gotten Anything Right?Buffalo Alt Press Online, NY - May 18, 2007By Grady Hawkins. What went wrong in Iraq? is the question that more and more Americans are beginning to ask. But for Republicans and Democrats alike, ...
Detroit council urges impeachment of Bush, CheneySan Diego Union Tribune, CA - May 17, 2007AP. DETROIT – The Detroit City Council called for the impeachment of President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney, unanimously passing a resolution ...
Detroit Council Urges Bush ImpeachmentSan Francisco Chronicle, CA - May 17, 2007The Detroit City Council called for the impeachment of President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney, unanimously passing a resolution sponsored by a ...
Detroit city council votes to impeach President Bush, Vice ...Canada.com, Canada - May 17, 2007DETROIT (AP) - Detroit city council has joined a number of other US cities and towns in calling for the impeachment of President George W. Bush and ...
New Momentum For Putting Impeachment On The TableCommon Dreams (press release), ME - May 18, 2007WASHINGTON - MAY 17 -From formal Articles of Impeachment against Dick Cheney to edible ImpeachMINTS being sent to Congress, pressure to put impeachment on ...
NEW: Detroit Council Votes to Impeach BushWXYZ, MI - May 18, 2007DETROIT (AP) - The Detroit City Council is calling for the impeachment of President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney. ...
Detroit City Council Votes To Impeach PresidentWDIV, MI - May 17, 2007DETROIT -- The Detroit City Council is calling for the impeachment of President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney. ...
Detroit City Council votes to impeach Bush, CheneyLansing State Journal, MI - May 17, 2007AP. DETROIT - The Detroit City Council has joined a number of other US cities and towns in calling for the impeachment of President Bush and Vice President ...
Detroit city council votes to impeach President Bush, Vice ...The Chronicle Journal, Canada - May 17, 2007By The Canadian Press. DETROIT (AP) - Detroit city council has joined a number of other US cities and towns in calling for the impeachment of President ...
Detroit City Council votes to impeach Bush, CheneyWLNS, MI - May 17, 2007AP - May 17, 2007 10:14 AM ET. The Detroit City Council is calling for the impeachment of President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney. ...
State Dems take a vote to impeachWorcester Telegram, MA - 1 hour agoBy Richard Nangle TELEGRAM & GAZETTE STAFF. AMHERST— Massachusetts Democrats yesterday joined a growing chorus of Democrats across the country who have
13 State Democratic Parties Demand ImpeachmentOpEdNews, PA - 5 hours agoby David Swanson Page 1 of 1 page(s). By David Swanson. Thirteen state Democratic parties have now passed resolutions demanding impeachment, ...
Vt Progressives Call for ImpeachmentWCAX, VT - 8 hours agoVermont's Progressive Party unanimously endorsed a resolution calling for the impeachment of President Bush Saturday. Fifty party members turned out in ...
Detroit City Council Passes Impeachment ResolutionZNet, MA - May 18, 2007by David Swanson. (May 16) A resolution calling on the US House of Representatives to impeach President Bush and Vice President Cheney was passed today by ...
Detroit City Council votes to impeach Bush, CheneyColumbus Free Press, OH - May 17, 2007by DAWSON BELL and MARISOL BELLO, Detroit Free Press. Detroit City Council approved 7-0 Wednesday a resolution sponsored by the wife of US Rep. ...
Putting Impeachment On the TableHuffington Post, NY - May 17, 2007From my perch as a consultant to Progressive Democrats of America, I see mounting pressure to put impeachment on the table. Momentum is building due to ...
Letter: I is for impeachmentThe Daily Astorian - Astoria,OR,USAI vote "yes" for the impeachment of Cheney. Bush and Cheney, the team that took us to war after 9/11, declared "Mission Accomplished" and have mismanaged ...See all stories on this topic
May 19, Impeachment
Impeachment is the ultimate Congressional power and it must be used now.America Now--Roman Empire Then - http://www.roman-empire-america-now.com/Roman-Empire-blog.html
Freepers find sudden ethusiasm for Bush's impeachmentBy james_nicoll(james_nicoll) Why, you ask? Key senators in both parties and the White House announced agreement Thursday on an immigration overhaul that would grant quick legal status to millions of illegal immigrants already in the US and fortify the border. ...More Words, Deeper Hole - http://james-nicoll.livejournal.com/
ImpeachmentBy Joseph(Joseph) The case for impeachment: Kos diarist Think Blue argues against those who maintain that impeachment is impractical and a distraction from other legislation. The argument comes down to this: We do not know what investigation of ...
Impeach Rove so he can never be pardoned!
Bernard Weiner, Ph.D., has taught government & international relations at universites in California and Washington, worked as a writer/editor with the San Francisco Chronicle for nearly two decades, and currently co-edits The Crisis Papers (www.crisispapers.org). To comment: crisispapers@comcast.net .First published by The Crisis Papers and Democratic Underground 5/15/07.www.crisispapers.org/essays7w/roots.htm Copyright 2007 by Bernard Weiner.
Bernard Weiner, Ph.D. in government & international relations, has taught at various universities, worked as a writer-editor at the San Francisco Chronicle, and currently co-edits The Crisis Papers (www.crisispapers.org). For comment, write >> crisispapers@comcast.net
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The Summation of the Case for ImpeachmentBy Iggy Junior(Iggy Junior) Excuse one, offered by Speaker Nancy Pelosi, is that impeachment would be a diversion from Democrats’ main goals of ending the Iraq War, and passing important legislation. The reality, of course, is that many of the administration’s ...Iggy Junior - http://iggyjr.blogspot.com/
The Impeachment Chronicles: Carter on Point While Bush Promotes ...Political Cortex, NY - 7 hours agoBy Bill Hare. Jimmy Carter's timely criticisms of George W. Bush's executive stewardship call attention once more to another war and impeachment discussion ...
Has the Cabal Gotten Anything Right?Buffalo Alt Press Online, NY - May 18, 2007By Grady Hawkins. What went wrong in Iraq? is the question that more and more Americans are beginning to ask. But for Republicans and Democrats alike, ...
Detroit council urges impeachment of Bush, CheneySan Diego Union Tribune, CA - May 17, 2007AP. DETROIT – The Detroit City Council called for the impeachment of President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney, unanimously passing a resolution ...
Detroit Council Urges Bush ImpeachmentSan Francisco Chronicle, CA - May 17, 2007The Detroit City Council called for the impeachment of President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney, unanimously passing a resolution sponsored by a ...
Detroit city council votes to impeach President Bush, Vice ...Canada.com, Canada - May 17, 2007DETROIT (AP) - Detroit city council has joined a number of other US cities and towns in calling for the impeachment of President George W. Bush and ...
New Momentum For Putting Impeachment On The TableCommon Dreams (press release), ME - May 18, 2007WASHINGTON - MAY 17 -From formal Articles of Impeachment against Dick Cheney to edible ImpeachMINTS being sent to Congress, pressure to put impeachment on ...
NEW: Detroit Council Votes to Impeach BushWXYZ, MI - May 18, 2007DETROIT (AP) - The Detroit City Council is calling for the impeachment of President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney. ...
Detroit City Council Votes To Impeach PresidentWDIV, MI - May 17, 2007DETROIT -- The Detroit City Council is calling for the impeachment of President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney. ...
Detroit City Council votes to impeach Bush, CheneyLansing State Journal, MI - May 17, 2007AP. DETROIT - The Detroit City Council has joined a number of other US cities and towns in calling for the impeachment of President Bush and Vice President ...
Detroit city council votes to impeach President Bush, Vice ...The Chronicle Journal, Canada - May 17, 2007By The Canadian Press. DETROIT (AP) - Detroit city council has joined a number of other US cities and towns in calling for the impeachment of President ...
Detroit City Council votes to impeach Bush, CheneyWLNS, MI - May 17, 2007AP - May 17, 2007 10:14 AM ET. The Detroit City Council is calling for the impeachment of President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney. ...
State Dems take a vote to impeachWorcester Telegram, MA - 1 hour agoBy Richard Nangle TELEGRAM & GAZETTE STAFF. AMHERST— Massachusetts Democrats yesterday joined a growing chorus of Democrats across the country who have
13 State Democratic Parties Demand ImpeachmentOpEdNews, PA - 5 hours agoby David Swanson Page 1 of 1 page(s). By David Swanson. Thirteen state Democratic parties have now passed resolutions demanding impeachment, ...
Vt Progressives Call for ImpeachmentWCAX, VT - 8 hours agoVermont's Progressive Party unanimously endorsed a resolution calling for the impeachment of President Bush Saturday. Fifty party members turned out in ...
Detroit City Council Passes Impeachment ResolutionZNet, MA - May 18, 2007by David Swanson. (May 16) A resolution calling on the US House of Representatives to impeach President Bush and Vice President Cheney was passed today by ...
Detroit City Council votes to impeach Bush, CheneyColumbus Free Press, OH - May 17, 2007by DAWSON BELL and MARISOL BELLO, Detroit Free Press. Detroit City Council approved 7-0 Wednesday a resolution sponsored by the wife of US Rep. ...
Putting Impeachment On the TableHuffington Post, NY - May 17, 2007From my perch as a consultant to Progressive Democrats of America, I see mounting pressure to put impeachment on the table. Momentum is building due to ...
Letter: I is for impeachmentThe Daily Astorian - Astoria,OR,USAI vote "yes" for the impeachment of Cheney. Bush and Cheney, the team that took us to war after 9/11, declared "Mission Accomplished" and have mismanaged ...See all stories on this topic
May 19, Impeachment
Impeachment is the ultimate Congressional power and it must be used now.America Now--Roman Empire Then - http://www.roman-empire-america-now.com/Roman-Empire-blog.html
Freepers find sudden ethusiasm for Bush's impeachmentBy james_nicoll(james_nicoll) Why, you ask? Key senators in both parties and the White House announced agreement Thursday on an immigration overhaul that would grant quick legal status to millions of illegal immigrants already in the US and fortify the border. ...More Words, Deeper Hole - http://james-nicoll.livejournal.com/
ImpeachmentBy Joseph(Joseph) The case for impeachment: Kos diarist Think Blue argues against those who maintain that impeachment is impractical and a distraction from other legislation. The argument comes down to this: We do not know what investigation of ...
Impeach Rove so he can never be pardoned!
Let history record that Kelly O'Donnell of NBC News was the first journalist to ask George W. Bush the question that will end his presidency.
We need to halt the nation's business until we get an answer to this question.
The beginning of the end for him, to directly lie to the people. People get pissed. Bush left it unsaid, which is good enough for good 'publicans.
Bush did not lie - he stuck out his tongue, said, "I'm not gonna answer, and you yellow-bellied Dems can't make me do it, because you can't make me do anything," and that is good enough for the Republicans.
Impeach! It's Now Or Never
by buhdydharma
Sat May 12, 2007 at 03:13:15 PM PDT
No....not time to prefer charges in the House....not quite yet....
It is time, my friends, Kossaks and countrymen to swell the ground, rouse the rabble and raise both a hew (and/or hue) and a cry across the land....from north to south across the once God Blessed America. An America that now suffers from sea to shining goddamed sea! Thanks to the evil men who have stolen our greatest gift and blessing. Our heritage. The thing that every American should value above all else and that thing that we know in our hearts we are sworn to protect and defend....whether we have taken an oath or not.
Our Freedom.
Why is it now or never?
Because WE cannot wait for it to happen! We need to be out in front. We are the cutting edge, we have the info, the technology to use it and the platform to use it on. It is time to use our influence on the national political conversation to push impeachment out from the fringes into the mainstream. It was just a question of waiting for enough info to be brought into the light by investigations and of waiting for the rest of the nation to catch up. That time is swiftly approaching.
FACTBOX-Leaders who have faced impeachmentReuters AlertNet - London,England,UKAug 1974 - US President Richard Nixon resigns rather than face impeachment for his role in the cover-up of the break-in at Democrat party headquarters in ...See all stories on this topic
Plenty of reasons for impeachmentHendersonville Times News - Hendersonville,NC,USATo The Editor: Cheney is guilty of war crimes, of lying to get us into the Iraq war. He shot someone in the face and there never was a good explanation for ...See all stories on this topic
Kucinich To Address Portland Town Meeting On ImpeachmentWCSH-TV - Portland,ME,USAKucinich, a Democrat who's again running for president, last month introduced articles of impeachment against Vice President Dick Cheney. ...See all stories on this topic
New Momentum For Putting Impeachment On The TableCommon Dreams (press release) - Portland,ME,USAWASHINGTON - MAY 17 -From formal Articles of Impeachment against Dick Cheney to edible ImpeachMINTS being sent to Congress, pressure to put impeachment on ...See all stories on this topic
Putting Impeachment On the TableBy Jeff Cohen From my perch as a consultant to Progressive Democrats of America, I see mounting pressure to put impeachment on the table. Momentum is building due to continuous revelations of an imperial White House bent on undermining our system of ...The Smirking Chimp - News And... - http://www.smirkingchimp.com
Freepi Demand ImpeachmentBy Atrios(Atrios) Funny.Eschaton - http://atrios.blogspot.com/
Green Party Pressures its own in MN on ImpeachmentBy Causal(Causal) Greens are now contacting Cam Gordon to carry forward a Resolution for Impeachment to the Minneapolis City Council, thereby reflecting the will of the Green party membership in Minnesota. Cam's office phone # contact and e-mail are ...Impeach Bush for Peace - http://impeachfp.blogspot.com/
Michael Shaw: Reading The Pictures: Impeachment? We Looked At It ...By Michael Shaw Besides a near-endorsement from WAPO columnist Richard Cohen, the MSM has been (visually and textually) pretty quiet about the Cheney impeachment effort. That, despite the fact the measure has picked up four co-sponsors now, ...The Huffington Post Raw Feed - http://www.huffingtonpost.com/theblog/
Beloved Right-Wing Message Board Demands Bush ImpeachmentWonkette (satire) - Washington,DC,USAI agree that impeachment is in order. And the SELL OUT of the AMERICAN people begins! Bring my Step-Son home from Iraq now El Presedente. ...See all stories on this topic
Detroit Council Urges Bush ImpeachmentWashington Post - Washington,DC,USADETROIT -- The Detroit City Council called for the impeachment of President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney, unanimously passing a resolution sponsored ...See all stories on this topic
Hooray, a Conyers impeachment proposal finally passedDetNews.com - Detroit,MI,USAUS Rep. John Conyers of Detroit has been held in check in his never-ending campaign to impeach the president, but that doesn't mean his wife can't act. ...See all stories on this topic
Comey's Evidence of a Crime - Impeachment Charges Just Sitting There!OpEdNews - Newtown,PA,USAby Michael Collins Page 1 of 3 page(s). Tuesday was a remarkable day at the US Senate Judiciary Committee hearings. The exchange between Sen. ... See all stories on this topic
Detroit City Council Passes Impeachment ResolutionBy Vox Populi(Vox Populi) Cheney, by such conduct, warrant impeachment and trial, and removal from office and disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust or profit under the United States;. Be it resolved further by the City of Detroit, ...Tampa's Back Door Ways ... (OR...) - http://tampasbackdoor.blogspot.com/
The promised impeachment podcastBy Blue Gal(Blue Gal) Links I mention: GQ Magazine Herbert P. Bix, "Americans should fight for impeachment of Bush, Cheney" Cernig/Newshog: "Pressuring Dems on Presidential Powers" working on an RSS feed for this. Watch this space.Blue Gal - http://bgalrstate.blogspot.com/
Jeff Cohen: Putting Impeachment On the TableBy Jeff Cohen From my perch as a consultant to Progressive Democrats of America, I see mounting pressure to put impeachment on the table. Momentum is building due to continuous revelations of an imperial White House bent on undermining our system of ...The Huffington Post Raw Feed - http://www.huffingtonpost.com/theblog/
Gonzales Impeachment PosterBy Olds88 Short and sweet: This diary's purpose is to distribute a poster I have made calling for Alberto Gonzales' impeachment (larger versions below).Daily Kos - http://www.dailykos.com/section/Diary
Elizabeth Holtzman Speaks on the Question of ImpeachmentElizabeth Holtzman, a former four-term Congresswoman and DA of Brooklyn, will discuss the subject of impeachment Wednesday, May 23 at 8:00 pm at the Mulberry House Senior Center, 62-70 West Main Street, Middletown NY 10940. ...AfterDowningStreet.org - Impeach... - http://www.afterdowningstreet.org
"Commander 'N Thief", a must-see documentary by Tom O'Brienby Joan Brunwasser
The Other Ron Paulby Michael Bonanno
13 State Democratic Parties Demand Impeachmentby David Swanson
The Haircut That Won't Dieby Paul Rogat Loeb
This Failed Presidencyby F. Vyan Walton
Impeachment: The Only Way to End the Iraq WarOpEdNews - Newtown,PA,USAThe politicians who oppose the impeachment of President Bush and Vice President Cheney say that energy should devoted toward ending the war. ...See all stories on this topic
Hyping impeachment in 'fresh' wayHyping impeachment in 'fresh' way.https://www.pdamerica.org/impeachmints.php RawStory.com Headlines - http://rawstory.com
Activists to Impeach Bush, Impeach Bush Meetups, events, clubs and ...
Meet nearby Activists to Impeach Bush! Come to an Impeach Bush ...impeachbush.meetup.com
ImpeachBush / VoteToImpeach:
Advocates impeachment of the President, solicits donations to ...http://www.votetoimpeach.org/
The Campaign to Impeach George W. Bush
The Campaign
Growing tide of voices raises the call for impeachmentFinalCall.com - Chicago,IL,USAOne banner read “Your silence, your legacy,” while the other was simply the article of the US constitution providing for impeachment of the president, ...See all stories on this topic
Column: The Public Eye: Reconsidering the Need for ImpeachmentBerkeley Daily Planet - Berkeley,CA,USAAnd whenever I write a column about the 43rd president, I receive e-mails suggesting that the simplest solution to America’s problems is his impeachment. ...See all stories on this topic
In Berkeley, it’s difficult to travel more than a few blocks without seeing an “Impeach Bush” bumper sticker. And whenever I write a column about the 43rd president, I receive e-mails suggesting that the simplest solution to America’s problems is his impeachment. Nonetheless, I’d never taken the possibility of impeachment seriously until this week when I realized I’ve had enough: I want Dubya to go down.
The movement to impeach George W. Bush started around Labor Day, in 2002, when it become clear that he was determined to invade Iraq. In March 2003, it gathered momentum when many Americans joined marches and silent vigils to protest what we considered to be an ill-considered and dangerous action. At that moment, Bush was enormously popular and many “blue” Americans felt we had lost our country: we couldn’t understand why so many of our fellow citizens supported Dubya; or why they voted to reelect him in 2004. In those dark days, the impeachment movement seemed to be the last refuge of die-hard liberals: a defiant stance that had little hope of success.
Times changed: in 2006, Democrats took control of Congress and Bush’s popularity rating sank to Nixonian depths. Meanwhile, evidence of his malfeasance exploded. Suddenly even conservative Republicans were criticizing the President, calling for him to abandon his customary intractability and engage in real bipartisanship.
As the impeachment movement grew stronger, I resisted its call for several reasons. While I’ve never doubted that there are strong legal grounds for Bush’s impeachment, I’ve been troubled by pragmatic considerations: if Dubya was removed from office, Dick Cheney would become president; impeachment proceedings would tie up the 110th Congress at a time when congressional energy needs to be focused on undoing Bush administration mistakes—such as ending the war in Iraq; and the impeachment process would further polarize a nation that has become far too adversarial and combative. When Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said that impeachment was “off the table,” I agreed: it’s one thing to be right and quite another thing to be effective, I thought.
My thinking changed after I read George Packer’s magnificent commentary in the May 14 New Yorker. In “No Blame, No Shame.” Packer asks the key question: “Why has it become impossible to admit a mistake in Washington and accept the consequences?” I pondered the fact that “under the Bush administration no senior civilian official or military officer has been held responsible for what will probably turn out to be the greatest foreign policy disaster in American history.” Then, I had an epiphany: I understood the “why” Packer asks about. The reason why Bush never admits a mistake or accepts consequences is because he knows he can get away with it. He’s been raised in a system of privilege where there’s a special justice system.
Reconsidering Impeachment of WBy tonyroma As the impeachment movement grew stronger, I resisted its call for several reasons. While I've never doubted that there are strong legal grounds for Bush's impeachment, I've been troubled by pragmatic considerations: if Dubya was ...Drudge Retort: tonyroma's blog - http://www.drudge.com/user/tonyroma
Great Barrington Voters Approve Impeachment Resolution by Wide MarginGreat Barrington (MA) voters overwhelmingly approved (by a vote of over 100 for to 3 against) an impeachment resolution at their town meeting after a thorough and wide-ranging discussion of Bush and Cheney's high crimes and misdemeanors ...ImpeachPAC - Electing a Congress... - http://impeachpac.org
Blackwater, ImpeachmentBy ImpeccableLiberalCredentials(ImpeccableLiberalCredentials) Something just on impeachment, non-partisan, but what I have is still tinged with electoral politics, not pure issue advocacy, but you can use it to get started, or useit to create your own piece, just print out a couple dozen, ...
Peace, Love and Erica Campbell - http://impeccableliberalcredentials.blogspot.com/
Nathan Kuepers: Cheney's betrayals call for impeachmentThe Capital Times, WI - 2 hours agoAs these lies continue to surface and more death occurs because of them, it is crucial to raise impeachment charges against our vice president. ...‘No American is above the law' Beloit Daily Newsall 2 news articles »
Why Impeachment is a MustTPMCafe, NY - 3 hours agoCall it impeachment according to Palermo. Citing Italian social theorist, Antonio Gramsci, Joseph Palermo explains over at Huffington today why impeachment ...
Schiff on impeachmentSan Gabriel Valley Tribune, CA - 5 hours agobut what would move him to call for the impeachment of Gonzales, President Bush and Vice President Cheney. 62percent of the country, in a May18 Gallup poll, ...
W Stands for Wisconsin Impeachment SummerScoop.co.nz, New Zealand - 13 hours agoIf this is going to be a Wisconsin Impeachment Summer, it's got to be Wisconsin all the way, right? What if every cheese head hat had a peach and a pendant ...
OpEdNewsOf Congressional Surrender - Dick Cheney and Jim Wright Saved ...Atlantic Free Press, Netherlands - 10 hours agoFor almost five months, Congress has gone out of its way to avoid impeachment in order to get things done, and has thereby managed to have signed into law ...
Impeachment fever Worcester Telegram
Oberlin council urges Bush's impeachment Cleveland Plain Dealer
The Call Goes Out From Vermont: Impeach! Wall Street Journal
Detroit City Council Passes Impeachment ResolutionAmerican Chronicle, CA - 15 hours agoBe it resolved that George W. Bush and Richard B. Cheney, by such conduct, warrant impeachment and trial, and removal from office and disqualification to ...Conyers on spot about Bush Detroit Free Pressall 3 news articles »
No Impeachment Can Lead to Bushism without BushHuffington Post, NY - May 23, 2007Despite the evidence of backlash against Karl Rove's fear and smear tactics that last November's electoral defeat of the Republicans illustrated, ...
LaRouche To Democrats: Impeach Cheney Now!Executive Intelligence Review (EIR), VA - 1 hour agoLaRouche cited the recent state Democratic Party conventions in California and Massachusetts, where strongly worded impeachment resolutions were passed, ...
Bruning to announce political plans in JuneGrand Island Independent, NE - 4 hours agoHagel first mentioned impeachment during an interview with Esquire magazine. During that interview, Hagel said President Bush should not feel he is not ...
Unimpeachably HonorableCleveland Scene Weekly, OH - 15 minutes agoKucinich is not toeing the line set by John Conyers and Nancy Pelosi, who reversed themselves after election and took impeachment off the table. ...
Evidence supports need for impeachmentStatesman Journal, OR - May 22, 2007Beginning impeachment proceedings against Bush and Cheney is the only honorable thing for our representatives to do. For the Senate to find them guilty ...
A Widening Chasm on ImpeachmentCounterPunch, CA - May 22, 2007By DAVE LINDORFF. *Body counts. Remember when the US used to claim things like "250 Vietcong" killed during a firefight, most of whom turned out to be ...
If Gonzales Won't Leave, Force Him OutCBS News, NY - May 23, 2007"The President, Vice President and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, ...
13 State Democratic Parties Demand ImpeachmentAtlantic Free Press, Netherlands - May 21, 2007Thirteen state Democratic parties have now passed resolutions demanding impeachment, nine of them since Nancy Pelosi ordered the Democratic Party away from ...
MaineToday.com, ME - May 21, 2007Pessimism mingles freely with idealism in Maine's impeachment movement. Activists acknowledge that others may find their efforts quixotic, ...
Dean Affiliated Group Seeks Gonzales ImpeachmentThe BLT, D.C. - May 21, 2007... Gonzales' conflicting and forgetful testimony so far, and have posted it with their online campaign calling for the Attorney General's impeachment. ...
LYM Makes Mass. Democratic Convention a Dialogue on Financial ...Executive Intelligence Review (EIR), VA - May 21, 2007Next, LYM member Matthew Ogden addressed the convention, motivating the resolution for the impeachment of Dick Cheney. By this time, an alternative ...
-Impeachment on the tableThe Capital Times, WI - May 21, 2007Across America, there is a rising call to put impeachment back on the table from which House Speaker Nancy Pelosi removed it last year. ...
Support articles of impeachmentBerkshire Eagle, MA - May 21, 2007Articles of impeachment have recently been leveled against Vice President Richard Cheney in House Resolution 333. It took only four months to impeach and ...by the rivalling government. The EU urged the country to press on ...
Loyal to the White House, Not the Rule of LawYahoo! News - 23 hours agoJohn Nichols' latest book, THE GENIUS OF IMPEACHMENT: The Founders' Cure for Royalism has been hailed by authors and historians Gore Vidal, Studs Terkel and ...
easily survived a referendum on his impeachment, exit polls showed. ...
Congress must restrain presidentRutland Herald, VT - 10 hours agoBut there will be few other opportunities for ending this insane occupation, short of impeachment, itself a necessity. If you agree, I strongly urge you to ...
An Open Letter to John ConyersCounterPunch, CA - May 22, 2007On May 29, 2007-as you already know-there will be a Town Hall discussion on the possible impeachment of George W. Bush, President of the United States. ...
On America’s Global Role San Francisco Chronicleall 2 news articles »
This Is Not a "Compromise," It's a Blank CheckYahoo! News - May 23, 2007John Nichols' new book, THE GENIUS OF IMPEACHMENT: The Founders' Cure for Royalism has been hailed by authors and historians Gore Vidal, Studs Terkel and ...
The Impeachment Chronicles: Carter on Point While Bush Promotes ...Political Cortex, NY - May 19, 2007Jimmy Carter's timely criticisms of George W. Bush's executive stewardship call attention once more to another war and impeachment discussion with comments ...
Vt Progressives Call for ImpeachmentWCAX, VT - May 19, 2007Vermont's Progressive Party unanimously endorsed a resolution calling for the impeachment of President Bush Saturday. Fifty party members turned out in ...
What Do These Crimes Have in Common?American Chronicle, CA - 11 hours agoBut there appears to be a pattern in several Bush-Cheney crimes of aiming to cheat at elections. This is what Watergate was about. ...
Surrendering to the Party of Surrender: The Dems Help Bush Pull ...BuzzFlash, IL - 4 hours agoTerrorists don’t need a timeline to know that Bush and Cheney began putting America in a position of weakness and vulnerability – both militarily and ...
Administration ignoring anti-war sentiment Bloomington Pantagraph
all 3 news articles »
Unimpeachably HonorableCleveland Scene Weekly, OH - 1 hour ago... by initiating articles of impeachment against Vice President Dick Cheney. There's more than enough to convict Cheney, Bush, and Rumsfeld. ...
My Turn: Investigate leaders to help end warBurlingtonFreePress.com, VT - 9 hours agoMeanwhile, Bush and Cheney remain in power exposing our soldiers to danger in a war based on lies. Free of direct congressional oversight, nothing stops ...
The Roots of Disaster: Impeachment As RemedyScoop.co.nz, New Zealand - 19 hours agoBut Cheney, Bush, Rumsfeld and the rest of the neo-con ideologues were blinded by their technological might, by the fact that the US was the only superpower ...
Schiff on impeachmentSan Gabriel Valley Tribune, CA - 6 hours agobut what would move him to call for the impeachment of Gonzales, President Bush and Vice President Cheney. 62percent of the country, in a May18 Gallup poll, ...
13 State Democratic Parties Demand ImpeachmentAtlantic Free Press, Netherlands - May 21, 2007
Unimpeachably HonorableCleveland Scene Weekly, OH - 1 hour ago... by initiating articles of impeachment against Vice President Dick Cheney. There's more than enough to convict Cheney, Bush, and Rumsfeld. ...
My Turn: Investigate leaders to help end warBurlingtonFreePress.com, VT - 9 hours agoMeanwhile, Bush and Cheney remain in power exposing our soldiers to danger in a war based on lies. Free of direct congressional oversight, nothing stops ...
The Roots of Disaster: Impeachment As RemedyScoop.co.nz, New Zealand - 19 hours agoBut Cheney, Bush, Rumsfeld and the rest of the neo-con ideologues were blinded by their technological might, by the fact that the US was the only superpower ...
Schiff on impeachmentSan Gabriel Valley Tribune, CA - 6 hours agobut what would move him to call for the impeachment of Gonzales, President Bush and Vice President Cheney. 62percent of the country, in a May18 Gallup poll, ...
13 State Democratic Parties Demand ImpeachmentAtlantic Free Press, Netherlands - May 21, 2007
AfterDowningStreet.org Impeach Bush and Cheney Now!
Democratic Party leaders have taken no steps to impeach President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney, so a group of political activists is ...www.afterdowningstreet.org/ - May 24, 2007 - Similar pages
Impeach Bush
Protest Bush and Cheney. Impeach Bush May 23. The impeachment movement in New England and New York is joining with the anti-war movement in two very ...www.impeachbush.org/ - 24k - May 23, 2007 - Cached - Similar pages
Impeach Bush Cheney Impeach for peace! Impeach for democracy!
Join us in Charlotte, NC for a public discussion about the impeachment of President George Bush & Vice President Dick Cheney. We are holding this event in ...www.impeachbushcheney.net/ - 24k - May 23, 2007 - Cached - Similar pages
The 'I' word - The Boston Globe - Boston.com - Op-ed - News
THE IMPEACHMENT of President Bush and Vice President Cheney, under Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution, should be part of mainstream political ...www.boston.com/news/globe/editorial_opinion/oped/articles/2005/05/31/the_i_word?mode=PF - 12k - Cached - Similar pages
Impeach Now: National Coalition to Impeach Bush + Cheney
January 21 –The Steering Committee of the National Coalition to Impeach Bush and Cheney recognizes that further efforts to impeach the malefactors are ...www.impeachnow.org/ - 16k - Cached - Similar pages
FOXNews.com - Detroit City Council Wants to Impeach Bush, Cheney ...
Detroit City Council Wants to Impeach Bush, Cheney, Detroit City Council wants to impeach President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney.www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,273303,00.html - 46k - May 23, 2007 - Cached - Similar pages
The Raw Story Detroit City Council votes to impeach Bush and Cheney
John Conyers (D-MI), today unanimously passed a resolution calling for the impeachment of President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney by the US ...rawstory.com/news/2007/Detroit_City_Council_votes_to_impeach_0516.html - 19k - Cached - Similar pages
Impeach Bush
Impeach Bush. Editorials and Information on How to Impeach Bush & Cheney ... 5/16/07 - Detroit passes resolution for impeachment of Bush and Cheney. ...www.impeachbush.tv/ - 13k - Cached - Similar pages
ImpeachPAC Electing a Congress to Impeach Bush and Cheney
Aims to elect a Congress to impeach Bush and Cheney, if there is proof they lied to send the US into Iraq and wiretap US citizens without a court order.www.impeachpac.org/ - 41k - May 23, 2007 - Cached - Similar pages
Vermont Votes to Impeach Bush/Cheney
Vermont Votes to Impeach Bush/Cheney. by John Nichols. When Vermont Governor Jim Douglas, a Republican with reasonably close ties to President Bush, ...www.commondreams.org/views07/0307-22.htm - 17k - Cached - Similar pages
Durham Impeach Bush Cheney Meetup Group (Durham, NC) - Meetup.com
Meet nearby Activists to Impeach Bush! Come to an Impeach Bush Meetup to join their appeal to Congress to impeach George W. Bush for high crimes and ...impeachbush.meetup.com/349/ - 38k - Cached - Similar pages
Vermont Votes to Impeach Bush/Cheney
America's oldest and most widely read weekly journal of progressive political and cultural news, opinion and analysis.www.thenation.com/blogs/thebeat?pid=172344 - 47k - Cached - Similar pages
Impeach Bush-Cheney Home Page
Berkeley, Bay Area, Impeach, Bush, Cheney, constitution, violation of constitution, civil rights.www.impeachbush-cheney.com/ - 32k - Cached - Similar pages
petition to impeach bush
PETITION TO IMPEACH. PRESIDENT BUSH AND VICE PRESIDENT CHENEY. We, the undersigned, believe George W. Bush and Richard Cheney should be impeached for the ...elandslide.org/elandslide/petition.cfm?campaign=impeach - 25k - Cached - Similar pages
Vt. Senate: Impeach Bush, Cheney - Politics - MSNBC.com
Vermont senators voted Friday to call for the impeachment of President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney, saying their actions have raised "serious ...www.msnbc.msn.com/id/18229765/ - 46k - Cached - Similar pages
Detroit City Council votes to impeach Bush, Cheney
Well, since the specific resolution by the Detroit city council was to impeach Bush and Cheney for lying the country into a war, and not any of the other ...www.freep.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070516/NEWS01/70516072 - 67k - Cached - Similar pages
Movement to impeach George W. Bush - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
On April 22, 2007 Ellison met with constituents calling for him to renew his commitment to impeach President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney. ...en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Movement_to_impeach_George_W._Bush - 316k - Cached - Similar pages
Impeach Bush for Peace
The most recent impeachment resolution introduced by McKinney included Bush, Cheney, and Rice. Although, even if we only initially pursue Bush, ...impeachforpeace.org/ - 80k - Cached - Similar pages
Impeach George Bush and Dick Cheney Democrats.com
Impeach George Bush and Dick Cheney. I ask Congress to impeach President Bush and Vice President Cheney for the following reasons: ...www.democrats.com/peoplesemailnetwork/65 - 20k - Cached - Similar pages
Pelosi taking phone poll on Bush/Cheney Impeachment!!!! 12022250100
“i wish to register my support for the impeachment of Bush Cheney”. they will say okay. hangup. Please call and please help slam them ...johnnycivil.gnn.tv/blogs/23111/Pelosi_taking_phone_poll_on_Bush_Cheney_Impeachment_12022250100 - 32k - May 23, 2007 - Cached - Similar pages
Court Of Impeachment And War Crimes
Court Of Impeachment And War Crimes. This Blog Court Room Is Dedicated To The Legal And Moral Belief That No One Is Above The Law...No One! ...courtofimpeachmentandwarcrimes.blogspot.com/index.html - 196k - May 23, 2007 - CachedSimilar pages
Court Of Impeachment And War Crimes
Court Of Impeachment And War Crimes. This Blog Court Room Is Dedicated To The Legal And Moral Belief That No ... Posted by Ed, Dickau at 6:51 AM 0 comments ...courtofimpeachmentandwarcrimes.blogspot.com/index.html - 196k - May 23, 2007 - CachedSimilar pages
Court Of Impeachment And War Crimes: IMPEACHMENT: A REVISITATION ...
Court Of Impeachment And War Crimes. This Blog Court Room Is Dedicated To The ... Ed. Dickau: A political activist since his Freshman year in college, Ed. ...courtofimpeachmentandwarcrimes.blogspot.com/2007/02/impeachment-revisitation-of-military.html - 111k - Cached - Similar pages[ More results from courtofimpeachmentandwarcrimes.blogspot.com ]
Court Of Impeachment And War Crimes. Court Of Impeachment And War Crimes ... Ed. Dickau: Alexandria, Virginia, US; A political activist since his Freshman ...precinctmaster.blogspot.com/2006/12/announcing-creation-of-reference-room.html - 89k - Supplemental Result - Cached - Similar pages
Precinct Master: January 2007
ed.dickau@shadowpolitics.us THE ROOM MENU :. Impeachment And War Crimes: News Sources And ... Court Of Impeachment And War Crimes. The Black Quill Letters ...precinctmaster.blogspot.com/2007_01_01_archive.html - 250k - Supplemental Result - Cached - Similar pages[ More results from precinctmaster.blogspot.com ]
Ed. Dickau: A political activist since his Freshman year in college, Ed. began his ... (Gone! but not forgotten by the German High Court on War Crimes) ...
Court Of Impeachment And War Crimes
Court Of Impeachment And War Crimes. This Blog Court Room Is Dedicated To The Legal And Moral Belief That No ... Posted by Ed, Dickau at 6:51 AM 0 comments ...courtofimpeachmentandwarcrimes.blogspot.com/index.html - 196k - May 23, 2007 - CachedSimilar pages
Court Of Impeachment And War Crimes: IMPEACHMENT: A REVISITATION ...
Court Of Impeachment And War Crimes. This Blog Court Room Is Dedicated To The ... Ed. Dickau: A political activist since his Freshman year in college, Ed. ...courtofimpeachmentandwarcrimes.blogspot.com/2007/02/impeachment-revisitation-of-military.html - 111k - Cached - Similar pages
Court Of Impeachment And War Crimes: IMPEACHMENT: A VOICE FOR JUSTICE
Court Of Impeachment And War Crimes. This Blog Court Room Is Dedicated To The ... Found your impeachment blog and your others ed.dickau@gmail.com [ Inbox] ...courtofimpeachmentandwarcrimes.blogspot.com/2007/01/impeachment-voice-for-justice.html - 59k - Supplemental Result - Cached - Similar pages
Court Of Impeachment And War Crimes: IMPEACHMENT: Page No. 3 ...
Court Of Impeachment And War Crimes. This Blog Court Room Is Dedicated To The Legal ... ed.dickau@shadowpolitics.us IMPEACHMENT: CHAPTER I: Graphic Case For ...courtofimpeachmentandwarcrimes.blogspot.com/2007/04/impeachment-page-no-3-graphic-case-for.html - 72k - Supplemental Result - Cached - Similar pages
Court Of Impeachment And War Crimes: IMPEACHMENT:Page No.8 ...
Court Of Impeachment And War Crimes. This Blog Court Room Is Dedicated To The Legal ... Impeach News (Google News Search). Posted by Ed, Dickau at 8:21 PM ...courtofimpeachmentandwarcrimes.blogspot.com/2007/04/impeachmentpage-no8-graphic-case-for.html - 72k - Supplemental Result - Cached - Similar pages
Court Of Impeachment And War Crimes: IMPEACHMENT: THE CRY RISES IN ...
Court Of Impeachment And War Crimes: IMPEACHMENT: WAR CRIMES ... Impeachment: War Crimes: Treason: Surge: Confusion In The News ... Ed. Dickau: A political ...courtofimpeachmentandwarcrimes.blogspot.com/2007/02/impeachment-cry-rises-in-land_5703.html - 135k - Supplemental Result - Cached - Similar pages
Court Of Impeachment And War Crimes: IMPEACHMENT: FROM A SIMMER TO.
Court Of Impeachment And War Crimes. This Blog Court Room Is Dedicated To The Legal And ... Truthdigger of the Week: Ed Henry Truthdigall 2 news articles » ...courtofimpeachmentandwarcrimes.blogspot.com/2007/02/impeachment-from-simmer-to-boil-they.html - 169k - Supplemental Result - Cached - Similar pages
Court Of Impeachment And War Crimes: IMPEACHMENT OF GEORGE W. BUSH
Court Of Impeachment And War Crimes. This Blog Court Room Is Dedicated To The Legal And Moral ... Posted by Ed, Dickau at 9:54 PM ARTICLES OF IMPEACHMENT ...courtofimpeachmentandwarcrimes.blogspot.com/2007/01/impeachment-of-george-w-bush-is.html - 250k - Supplemental Result - Cached - Similar pages
Court Of Impeachment And War Crimes: IMPEACHMENT: A MATTER OF WHAT ...
Court Of Impeachment And War Crimes. This Blog Court Room Is Dedicated To The ... open markets, invest in better health and education, every dollar of aid, ...courtofimpeachmentandwarcrimes.blogspot.com/2007/01/impeachment-amtter-of-what-he-has-said.html - 154k - Supplemental Result - Cached - Similar pages
Court Of Impeachment And War Crimes
Court Of Impeachment and War Crimes (Home ...courtofimpeachmentandwarcrimes.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default - 250k - Supplemental Result - Cached - - - - Similar pages
Court Of Impeachment And War Crimes: IMPEACHMENT: An American Wake ...
17 Feb 2007 by Ed, Dickau EMERGENCY Conference: Impeach Bush for War Crimes! ... Precinct Master: BUSH WAR CRIMES: CLOSING IN!Court Of Impeachment And War ...courtofimpeachmentandwarcrimes.blogspot.com/2007/02/impeachment-american-wake-up-call-is-in.html - 250k - Supplemental Result - Cached - Similar pages
Court Of Impeachment And War Crimes: IMPEACHMENT: Voter Rage Over ...
Court Of Impeachment And War Crimes. This Blog Court Room Is Dedicated To The Legal And Moral ... Sealover, Ed. "Shift puts key state issues in question", ...courtofimpeachmentandwarcrimes.blogspot.com/2007/04/impeachment-voter-rage-over-lack-of-war.html - 223k - Supplemental Result - Cached - Similar pages
Court Of Impeachment And War Crimes: IMPEACHMENT: Bush Lies And ...
Court Of Impeachment And War Crimes. This Blog Court Room Is Dedicated To ... Paul Krugman and Richard Cohen have addressed the issue on the Op-Ed pages, ...courtofimpeachmentandwarcrimes.blogspot.com/2007/03/impeachment-bush-lies-and-they-diethe.html - 196k - Supplemental Result - Cached - Similar pages
Court Of Impeachment And War Crimes: IMPEACHMENT: and peace: March ...
Court Of Impeachment And War Crimes. This Blog Court Room Is Dedicated To The ... Ed. Dickau, Alexandria Va, Political Consultant, *Impeachment Advocate at ...courtofimpeachmentandwarcrimes.blogspot.com/2007/02/impeachment-and-peace-march-on-pentagon.html - 175k - Supplemental Result - Cached - Similar pages
AlterNet: Bush Fears War Crimes Prosecution and Impeachment
www.alternet.org/story/41411/ - Similar pages
The case for impeachment of President George W. Bush - SourceWatch
Officials can be impeached for: 'treason, bribery, or other high crimes and ... "Stop the War. Impeach Bush ... Cheney, Rumsfeld & Ashcroft!, rise4news.net. ...www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=The_case_for_impeachment_of_President_George_W._Bush - 57k - Cached - Similar pages
Marjorie Cohn: Why Bush Came Clean About the CIA's Secret Torture ...
A Fear of War Crimes Tribunals and Impeachment ... The Court also determined that Common Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions applies to al Qaeda detainees. ...www.counterpunch.org/cohn09072006.html - 120k - Cached - Similar pages
Impeachment Hearings for Bush & Co.? How about War Crimes Tribunals?
Impeachment Hearings for Bush & Co.? How about War Crimes Tribunals? ... Criminal Court (ICC), set up in 2002 to investigate and prosecute war crimes, ...www.commondreams.org/views06/1127-21.htm - 17k - Cached - Similar pages
Bush Fears War Crimes Prosecution, Impeachment
Bush Fears War Crimes Prosecution, Impeachment. by Marjorie Cohn ... questioning of the men" and complained that "the Supreme Court's recent decision has ...www.commondreams.org/cgi-bin/print.cgi?file=/views06/0907-31.htm - 7k - Cached - Similar pages
AfterDowningStreet.org Impeach Bush and Cheney Now!
Friends don’t help Friends Commit War Crimes ... National and local voices for impeachment led a town hall meeting Monday evening at the Memorial Union. ...www.afterdowningstreet.org/ - May 24, 2007 - Similar pages
The Courage to Stand Up Against War Crimes AfterDowningStreet.org
Articles of Impeachment Against George W. Bush," by the Center for ... she “could not give a reason” why the Navy had decided to press the court-martial. ...www.afterdowningstreet.org/?q=node/22694 - 37k - Cached - Similar pages[ More results from www.afterdowningstreet.org ]
Impeach George Bush and Dick Cheney Democrats.com
I ask Congress to impeach President Bush and Vice President Cheney for the following reasons:. 1) The Offense of Lying and Inducing America to Support a War ...www.democrats.com/peoplesemailnetwork/65 - 20k - Cached - Similar pages
People's Weekly World - Bush fears war crimes prosecution, impeachment
Bush fears war crimes prosecution, impeachment ... Rumsfeld, in which the high court recently held that Bush’s military commissions did not comply with the ...www.pww.org/article/view/9822/1/339/ - 42k - Cached - Similar pages
rancis Boyle: Draft Impeachment Resolution Against George W. Bush
Wherefore George Walker Bush, by such conduct, warrants impeachment and trial ... In failing to seek and obtain a Declaration of War, George Walker Bush has ...www.counterpunch.org/boyle01172003.html - 24k - Cached - Similar pages
ZNet U.S. Bush Fears War Crimes Prosecution, Impeachment
Bush Fears War Crimes Prosecution, Impeachment ... questioning of the men" and complained that "the Supreme Court's recent decision has impaired our ability ...www.zmag.org/content/print_article.cfm?itemID=10902§ionID=72 - 7k - Cached - Similar pages
ImpeachBush / VoteToImpeach: Articles of Impeachment
Articles of Impeachment of President George W. Bush ... attempt to carry out with impunity crimes against peace and humanity and war crimes and deprivations ...www.impeachbush.org/site/News2?page=NewsArticle&id=5054&news_iv_ctrl=1061 - 17k - Cached - Similar pages
Impeachment? How about War Crimes Tribunals
Impeachment? How about War Crimes Tribunals ... Court (ICC), set up in 2002 to investigate and prosecute war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide. ...www.populistamerica.com/impeachment_how_about_war_crimes_tribunals - 58k - Cached - Similar pages
Dissident Voice : The Ecology of Impeachment
Impeachment would also send a powerful warning to the Roberts’ Court that ... Impeachment is the first step, the Hague and war crimes tribunals the last and ...www.dissidentvoice.org/2007/05/the-ecology-of-impeachment/ - 24k - Cached - Similar pages
Iraq War: 'Supreme International Crime' - Impeach Bush
Ben Evans, "McKinney Introduces Bill to Impeach Bush," Associated Press, December 8, 2006. [Last week he unveiled plans for an unofficial war crimes ...www.twf.org/News/Y2005/0629-FtBragg.html - 27k - Cached - Similar pages
Voices - Apply the Constitution – Impeach - Part 2 of 2
If not, they are also culpable for the same egregious crimes. After Bush was embedded again in 2004, the Democrats considered impeachment – Conyers followed ...www.thepeoplesvoice.org/cgi-bin/blogs/voices.php/2007/05/09/p16667 - 45k - Cached - Similar pages
To Impeach, or Not to Impeach (by Rosemarie Jackowski) - Media ...
Third, calling for Impeachment trivializes the war crimes. ... be necessary since the accused would not be likely to make a voluntary court appearance. ...usa.mediamonitors.net/content/view/full/43337 - 57k - Cached - Similar pages
Foreign Policy: The Case Against George W. Bush
If President George W. Bush played any role, impeachment is a legal possibility. ... the War Crimes Act of 1996) is another ground for impeachment. ...www.foreignpolicy.com/story/cms.php?story_id=3759 - 42k - Cached - Similar pages
War, Geopolitics and History - Conflict in the Middle East
Professor Boyle argues for the use of impeachment to remove Bush, Cheney, ... of the crime of genocide pending before the International Court of Justice. ...www.informationclearinghouse.info/article13000.htm - 38k - Cached - Similar pages
Green Party of Utah- A Progressive Voice in Utah - War Crimes
See photos and accounts if IMPEACH events. Members of The Green Party of Utah have embarked upon the mission of creating a case of war crimes against George ...www.gput.org/warcrimes.shtml - 20k - Cached - Similar pages
Impeachment Hearings For Bush & Co.? How About War Crimes ...
Impeachment Hearings For Bush & Co.? How About War Crimes Tribunals ... inquiry, or prosecution" by the International Criminal Court "whose jurisdiction ...www.countercurrents.org/us-wokusch281106.htm - 22k - Cached - Similar pages
Impeachment: The Case in Favor
The Supreme Court ruled that the Geneva Conventions apply to the treatment ... Former Congresswoman Elizabeth Holtzman is the author of The Impeachment of ...www.thenation.com/doc/20070212/holtzman - 34k - Cached - Similar pages
San Francisco Bay Guardian News
So Bush could clearly be held to account for crimes that are more serious ... "I've been agitating for impeachment ever since the Supreme Court appointed ...www.sfbg.com/40/17/cover_impeach.html - 29k - Cached - Similar pages
Iraq War Merits Impeachment
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTMLconsidered war crimes and crimes against humanity in the execution of that ... ble, to begin impeachment proceedings against President Bush and Vice- ...www.veteransforpeace.org/File/pdf/impeachment_flyer-bw.pdf - Similar pages
FindLaw's Writ - Dean: Refocusing the Impeachment Movement on ...
If war crimes are not "high crimes and misdemeanors," it is difficult to ... Impeachment of Secretary of War William Belknap, in the aftermath of the Civil ...writ.news.findlaw.com/dean/20061215.html - 51k - Cached - Similar pages
So You Think You Want to Impeach?
The articles of impeachment write themselves. In the case of Articles of ... political career by seeking to impeach James K. Polk for waging war on Mexico. ...www.motherjones.com/arts/books/2006/11/you_think_you_want_to_impeach.html - 41k - Cached - Similar pages
Dave Lindorff: Impeach this President, or Remove the Impeachment ...
... Criminal Court (ICC) set the stage for its war crimes and human rights violations. As independent journalist Dahr Jamail says in *Impeach the President: ...www.buzzflash.com/articles/contributors/1006 - 34k - Cached - Similar pages
Impeachment has to precede investigation
Submitted by davidswanson on Sun, 2007-05-13 01:39. Impeachment
By Carla Binion
Without impeachment there won't be serious investigation of Bush-Cheney's lawbreaking. Each day these two criminals remain in office, additional victims of their policies suffer and die.
The administration's war crimes and crimes against humanity -- their ongoing illegal war of aggression and torture policy -- can only be stopped with impeachment and the investigation that would follow.
The mainstream press fails to fully inform the American public. Folks who get their information via the Internet and other alternative sources are the only ones aware of the extent of the Bush-Cheney abuses and the need for impeachment.
The Bush administration's refusal to abide by the Geneva Conventions and comply with the International Criminal Court (ICC) set the stage for its war crimes and human rights violations. As independent journalist Dahr Jamail says in *Impeach the President: The Case Against Bush and Cheney*:
"By refusing to join the ICC, the United States finds itself in the company of several other nonmember states with records of horrific human rights abuses such as Libya, Saudi Arabia, China, North Korea, Sudan and Pakistan.
"As many as 192 states are signatories of the Geneva Conventions, including the U.S. -- although the U.S. is blatantly disregarding them with regards to Iraq."
According to the Geneva Conventions, civilian populations must be protected. However, Dahr Jamail and others have reported many attacks on Iraqi civilians. "In a home raid that produced no weapons," writes Jamail, "American soldiers detained fifty-seven-year-old Sadiq Zoman at his residence...More than a month later...U.S. soldiers dropped Zoman off, comatose, at a hospital in Tikrit...His body bore telltale signs of torture."
Those signs included electrical burns on the soles of his feet, whip marks and bruises across his back, point burns on his skin and more electrical burns on his genitalia. His wife said to Jamail, "Is it fair for any man's family to be made to suffer like this? Is it right that his daughters must see him like this? Our lives will never be the same again, no matter what happens."
Article 17 of the Third Geneva Convention says, "No physical or mental torture, nor any other form of coercion, may be inflicted on prisoners of war to secure from them information of any kind whatever."
Jamail recounts the story of Iraqi civilian Ali Abbas, who lived in Baghdad and was employed in civil administration. Friends asked Abbas to inquire at a nearby U.S. base about the inordinate number of their innocent neighbors being detained.
On Abbas' fourth visit to the base, he was also detained, and then sent to Abu Ghraib and held without charges for over three months. He was later released.
Abbas had a loaded gun held to his head "to prevent him from crying out in pain as his hand ties were tightened," according to Jamail. Abbas said, "My hands were enlarged because there was no blood because they cuffed them so tight. My head was covered with [a] sack, and they fastened my right hand to a pole with handcuffs. They made me stand on my toes to clip me to it."
He was beaten on his genitals and denied food and water. According to Jamail, a female soldier told Abbas, "Our aim is to put you in hell."
Jamail notes that an April 2005 Human Rights Watch report said: "Abu Ghraib was only the tip of the iceberg, it's now clear that abuse of detainees has happened all over -- from Afghanistan to Guantanamo Bay to a lot of third-country dungeons where the United States has sent prisoners. And probably quite a few places we don't even know about."
Former Brigadier General Janis Karpinski, once in charge of Abu Ghraib, gave testimony in 2006, that Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld had issued a memo approving "harsher interrogation techniques" for use at Abu Ghraib. Karpinski said Rumsfeld handwrote in the memo's left margin: "Make sure this happens!"
Karpinski told the War Crimes Commission in 2006: "The Secretary of Defense would not have authorized [the harsh techniques] without the approval of the Vice President."
In another chapter of the above-referenced book, historian Jeremy Brecher; assistant dean at Yale College, Jill Cutler; and writer-attorney, Brendan Smith write that "war crimes are high crimes." They say Bush and Cheny should be investigated for "initiating a war of aggression, abusing noncombatants, and engaging in torture and prisoner abuse."
The president and vice president are required to obey the law, and, as these authors suggest, "The United Nations Charter, the Geneva Conventions, and other treaties ratified under the authority of the United States are the supreme law of the land."
Brecher, Cutler and Smith go on to say, "Today the Bush administration has subverted constitutional government from within. It has paralyzed the constraints that would limit executive authority...When asked at his Senate confirmation hearings whether he agreed that the President could simply refuse to obey a law he considered unconstitutional, President Bush's Attorney General nominee Alberto Gonzales assented."
Yale Law School Dean Harold Koh lamented that by that same logic, the President would also have "unfettered authority to license genocide." The Bush administration has granted itself the powers of a dictatorship -- a cruel, violent dictatorship, and Congress has sat back and allowed it to happen.
Every day Bush and Cheney remain in office, some new victim of their unlawful policies will face agony or death. There's a soldier or innocent civilian alive in Iraq today who will not be alive tomorrow, because of the Bush-Cheney policies. Whose son or daughter will this be? Whose father or mother?
When Congress fails to impeach, they implicitly give their blessing to this tragic situation. Impeachment has to precede genuine investigation. Ordinary citizens who care at all about the issue should keep up the effort to wake Congress as to the importance of such an investigation.
Some of the Highlights from the Truckload of Smoking Guns Dropped off in Recent Months
Submitted by davidswanson on Sat, 2006-04-22 16:27. Evidence
A memo from a January, 2003, White House meeting of Bush and Blair at which Bush made clear that the U.S. would go to war with or without the United Nations and proposed various strategems to try to create a justification for war.http://www.afterdowningstreet.com/whitehousememo
A report that the CIA had strong evidence before the war that Iraq possessed no Weapons of Mass Destruction.http://www.afterdowningstreet.com/node/9141
A January, 2003, State Department memo showing awareness that Niger documents were forgeries.http://www.afterdowningstreet.com/node/8889
A British memo shows that Bush proposed bombing Al Jazeera.http://www.afterdowningstreet.com/node/5073
A report that Bush was personally informed that the aluminum tubes claims were not supported by the State Department or the Department of Energy and that Iraq was very unlikely to attack the United States.http://www.afterdowningstreet.com/node/8440
Testimony that Bush and Cheney were involved in the leaking of misleading classified information and in a campaign of retribution against Joseph Wilson.http://www.afterdowningstreet.com/node/8586
Paul Pillar, who was the CIA's national intelligence officer for the Middle East and South Asia from 2000 to 2005, writes that facts were fixed to support going to war.http://www.afterdowningstreet.com/node/7732
Top aide to Secretary of State says facts were fixed to support going to warhttp://www.afterdowningstreet.com/node/1907
An Amnesty International report on ongoing torture and unlawful detention.http://www.afterdowningstreet.com/node/8686
Reports that almost 100 prisoners have died in US custody.http://www.afterdowningstreet.com/node/8078
"State of War" by James Risen reveals illegal spying and reports on meeting between MI6 and CIA that preceded the Downing Street Meeting in July 2002.http://www.afterdowningstreet.com/node/6558
"Constitution in Crisis" by John Conyers summarizes evidence of illegal activities.http://www.afterdowningstreet.com/?q=node/5769
Henry Waxman collects 237 Bush administration lies in a searchable database.http://www.afterdowningstreet.com/node/5394
Report that Germans told US "Curveball" was unreliable.http://www.afterdowningstreet.com/node/4960
U.S. Army admits using White Phosphorous as a weaponhttp://www.afterdowningstreet.com/node/4576
Cheney's Chief of Staff Indicted for Obstruction of Justicehttp://www.afterdowningstreet.com/node/4161
Key Documents
Iran War Lies
Count of the Dead
Articles of Impeachment
Downing Street Documents
White House Memo
CBC: The Lies That Led to War
Recent Evidence
Evidence of War Lies
State of War
Constitution in Crisis
Major Reports
Bonifaz to Conyers
Talking Points
Yoo Memo
First Iraq, Then Saudi
Bush letter to Congress
Bush report to Congress
Bush to U.N.
Bush in Cincinnati
2003 State of the Union
Powell at U.N.
Powell's Presentation
Cheney's Notes
W Stands for Wisconsin Impeachment SummerBy David Swanson Speech delivered at Town Hall meeting on impeachment at the University of Wisconsin - Madison, May 21, 2007. It's wonderful to be here with these speakers, and with Buzz Davis and everyone who put this event together. ...The Smirking Chimp - News And... - http://smirkingchimp.com
Impeachment vs. American "violent self-righteousness"By Gadfly(Gadfly) Now that his arguments have been exposed and the war has become a disaster, they feel let down, even betrayed -- but not enough to motivate them to call for Bush's impeachment. Kamiya says he thinks this is also why other items, ...SocraticGadfly - http://socraticgadfly.blogspot.com/
Massachusetts State Delegates pass Impeachment ResolutionOn Saturday May 19th, at the Massachusetts Democratic State Convention, held at the Mullins Center, Umass Amherst. The State Delegates voted overwhelmingly to pass a resolution to Impeach President George W.Bush and Vice President Dick ...John Edwards '08 Blog: - http://blog.johnedwards.com
Evidence supports need for impeachmentStatesman Journal - Salem,OR,USABeginning impeachment proceedings against Bush and Cheney is the only honorable thing for our representatives to do. For the Senate to find them guilty ...See all stories on this topic
Impeach The President? At Least 400000 In Online...By By Darryl Mason(By Darryl Mason) Today, through a Google News search, we found at least 90 news stories, articles and opinion columns, published in the US, discussing or urging impeachment of President Bush, or the impeachment of Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney. ...THE LAST DAYS OF PRESIDENT GEORGE... - http://lastdaysofpresidentbush.blogspot.com/
Supporters of impeachment stay the course presses caseMaineToday.com - Portland,ME,USAPessimism mingles freely with idealism in Maine's impeachment movement. Activists acknowledge that others may find their efforts quixotic, ...See all stories on this topic
A Widening Chasm Between Congressional Democrats and Voters on ...OpEdNews - Newtown,PA,USASo far, Democrats in Congress and at the top of the party hierarchy, out of touch with public sentiment and worried that impeachment could hurt them with ...See all stories on this topic
Impeachment on the tableThe Capital Times - Madison,WI,USAAcross America, there is a rising call to put impeachment back on the table from which House Speaker Nancy Pelosi removed it last year. ...See all stories on this topic
Dean Affiliated Group Seeks Gonzales ImpeachmentThe BLT - Washington,D.C.,USA... Gonzales' conflicting and forgetful testimony so far, and have posted it with their online campaign calling for the Attorney General's impeachment. ...See all stories on this topic
Support articles of impeachmentBerkshire Eagle - Pittsfield,MA,USAArticles of impeachment have recently been leveled against Vice President Richard Cheney in House Resolution 333. It took only four months to impeach and ...See all stories on this topic
Call For Impeachment; Sign the Petition. Alberto Gonzales Must GoBy Betsy L. Angert The calls for the resignation or impeachment of the impaired Attorney General are climbing daily. After last week's disclosure, revealing that Alberto Gonzales is a man on the run, and has been since before taking his current position, ...Be-Think [Please visit BeThink.org] - http://be-think.typepad.com/bethink/
Impeachment: A Legitimate Check Against Imperial PowerBy Len Hart(Len Hart) Those favoring the impeachment of George W. Bush must guard against GOP efforts to frame impeachment as an illegitimate effort to usurp the government. That would be the GOP way, after all. Democrats must make the legitimate case that ...The Existentialist Cowboy - http://existentialistcowboy.blogspot.com/
Making the No Confidence Votes Count: Support ImpeachmentBy emptywheel The more that this vote is seen as a way to pressure Gonzales to resign without opening up DOJ to an impeachment investigation, the greater force it will have. And heck, if we have to impeach Gonzales, so be it! ...The Next Hurrah - http://thenexthurrah.typepad.com/the_next_hurrah/
It took 13 colonies to throw out the last King George. Thirteen state Democratic parties have now passed resolutions demanding impeachment, nine of them since Nancy Pelosi ordered the Democratic Party away from impeachment.
In May 2004, the Nevada Democratic Party led the way, passing a resolution demanding Bush's impeachment. On June 12, 2005, the Wisconsin Democratic Party passed a resolution demanding the impeachment of Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld. On January 28, 2006, the North Carolina Democratic Party Executive Committee called for the impeachment of Bush, Cheney, and Gonzales, a call echoed by the full state party in June with the focus on Bush alone. On March 21, 2006, the New Mexico Democratic Party backed impeaching Bush and removing him from office. In April 2006, the Vermont Democratic Party resolved that Bush should face impeachment immediately.
Not a bad start: Nevada, Wisconsin, North Carolina, New Mexico, and Vermont. Of course, Rumsfeld's gone (though not yet prosecuted), and we all know where Gonzales is.
At this point in our story, a year ago now, the Republican National Committee made its baseless claim that talk of impeachment would benefit Republicans in the November 2006 elections, and Speaker-to-be Nancy Pelosi immediately announced that impeachment was off the table.
But it wasn't. On May 20, 2006, The Colorado Democratic Party included in its platform a call for Bush and Cheney to be "investigated, censured or if appropriate, impeached."
On May 21, 2006, the Alaska Democratic Party passed a resolution "calling for the impeachment of George W. Bush and Richard Cheney; and … the recall of Paul Wolfowitz as President of the World Bank and the dismissal of Donald Rumsfeld as Secretary of Defense." In June 2006, the Hawaii Democratic Party voted to call for the impeachment of Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice, and Gonzales and their prosecution for war crimes. Also in June, Maine called for Bush and Cheney to be impeached, New Hampshire asked for Bush to be impeached, and the full North Carolina Party, as noted above, called for Bush's impeachment.
Now we're rolling. Look at this list: Nevada, Wisconsin, North Carolina, New Mexico, Vermont, Colorado, Alaska, Hawaii, Maine, and New Hampshire. That's 10 state Democratic Parties demanding impeachment by June of last year, and seven of them after Pelosi ordered impeachment off the table, and before the elections. Predictably, these states did very well for the Democrats in the elections, as Nevada did in 2004 as well. And, of course, Wolfowitz is on his way out (though not yet prosecuted).
In September 2006, still pre-elections, Washington State's Democratic Party called for Bush and Cheney to be impeached. In March 2007, the Oregon Democratic Party did the same. In April 2007, California called for "appropriate remedies and punishment, including impeachment," for Bush and Cheney.
And in the May 2007, The California Democractic Party Convention passed its' resolution of Impeachment over Speaker Pelopsi's attempts to block it. She failed and is in danger of failing in hwe own 2008 reelection bid.
And now Massachusetts has joined the list. On May 19, 2007, the Massachusetts Democratic Party passed a resolution calling on "the U.S. House of Representatives to investigate these charges and if the investigation supports the charges, vote to impeach George W. Bush and Richard B. Cheney." The charges were as follows:
"Whereas George W. Bush and Richard B. Cheney have: • Deliberately misled the nation about the threat from Iraq in order to justify a war;
• Condoned the torture of prisoners in violation of the Geneva Convention & US law;
• Approved illegal electronic surveillance of American citizens without a warrant." The majority of these resolutions have never been reported in the media. Therefore, this list is almost certainly incomplete. So are the following tallies: * Cities and towns that have backed impeachment by resolution, public vote, or both: 79.
* Largest cities: Detroit, home of the Chair of the House Judiciary Committee, and San Francisco, home of the Speaker of the House.
* Earliest and most frequent city: Santa Cruz beginning in 2003.
* States where impeachment has been introduced into the legislature at least once: 10 (California, Hawaii, Illinois, Minnesota, Missouri, New Mexico, Texas, Washington, Wisconsin, Vermont).
* State legislative bodies that have voted on impeachment: 3 (Vermont Senate, Vermont House, New Mexico Senate).
* State legislative bodies that have passed impeachment resolutions: 1 (Vermont Senate).
* National political parties backing impeachment: 1 (Green).
* Non-Democratic state political parties backing impeachment: 2 (Vermont Progressives, California Greens).
* Democrats Abroad Chapters backing impeachment: 1.
* Local political party organizations that have backed impeachment: 32.
* Labor unions backing impeachment: 1.
* How to make corrections or additions to the list:
* Organization helping promote Democratic Party resolutions, including those recently passed in Massachusetts and California:
* Articles of impeachment introduced against Bush: 3 (by Rep. Cynthia McKinney).
* Articles of impeachment introduced against Cheney: 3 (by Congressman Dennis Kucinich, H Res. 333, http://www.impeachcheney.org/ ).
* Impeachment Resource Center: http://afterdowningstreet.org/ resourcecenter
Impeachment ChartsBy PSoTD Posts that contain "impeach Cheney" per day for the last 30 days. Technorati Chart Get your own chart! Posts that contain "impeach Bush" per day for the last 30 days. Technorati Chart Get your own chart!PSoTD - http://www.psotd.com/
VT Progressives Unanimously Endorse Bush Impeachment ResolutionThey unanimously endorsed a resolution calling on Democratic Congressman Peter Welch to initiate impeachment proceedings of the President and Vice President. It's similar to the impeachment resolutions approved at 35 town meetings in ...AfterDowningStreet.org - Impeach... - http://www.afterdowningstreet.org
Plenty of reasons for impeachmentHendersonville Times News - Hendersonville,NC,USATo The Editor: Cheney is guilty of war crimes, of lying to get us into the Iraq war. He shot someone in the face and there never was a good explanation for ...See all stories on this topic
Kucinich To Address Portland Town Meeting On ImpeachmentWCSH-TV - Portland,ME,USA
WASHINGTON - MAY 17 -From formal Articles of Impeachment against Dick Cheney to edible Impeach MINTS being sent to Congress, pressure to put impeachment on the table.
Kucinich, a Democrat who's again running for president, last month introduced articles of impeachment against Vice President Dick Cheney. ...See all stories on this topic
New Momentum For Putting Impeachment On The TableCommon Dreams (press release) - Portland,ME,USAWASHINGTON - MAY 17 -From formal Articles of Impeachment against Dick Cheney to edible ImpeachMINTS being sent to Congress, pressure to put impeachment on ...See all stories on this topic
Putting Impeachment On the TableBy Jeff Cohen From my perch as a consultant to Progressive Democrats of America, I see mounting pressure to put impeachment on the table. Momentum is building due to continuous revelations of an imperial White House bent on undermining our system of ...The Smirking Chimp - News And... - http://www.smirkingchimp.com
Freepi Demand ImpeachmentBy Atrios(Atrios) Funny.Eschaton - http://atrios.blogspot.com/
Green Party Pressures its own in MN on ImpeachmentBy Causal(Causal) Greens are now contacting Cam Gordon to carry forward a Resolution for Impeachment to the Minneapolis City Council, thereby reflecting the will of the Green party membership in Minnesota. Cam's office phone # contact and e-mail are ...Impeach Bush for Peace - http://impeachfp.blogspot.com/
Michael Shaw: Reading The Pictures: Impeachment? We Looked At It ...By Michael Shaw Besides a near-endorsement from WAPO columnist Richard Cohen, the MSM has been (visually and textually) pretty quiet about the Cheney impeachment effort. That, despite the fact the measure has picked up four co-sponsors now, ...The Huffington Post Raw Feed - http://www.huffingtonpost.com/theblog/
Beloved Right-Wing Message Board Demands Bush ImpeachmentWonkette (satire) - Washington,DC,USAI agree that impeachment is in order. And the SELL OUT of the AMERICAN people begins! Bring my Step-Son home from Iraq now El Presedente. ...See all stories on this topic
Hooray, a Conyers impeachment proposal finally passedDetNews.com - Detroit,MI,USAUS Rep. John Conyers of Detroit has been held in check in his never-ending campaign to impeach the president, but that doesn't mean his wife can't act. ...See all stories on this topic
Comey's Evidence of a Crime - Impeachment Charges Just Sitting There!OpEdNews - Newtown,PA,USAby Michael Collins Page 1 of 3 page(s). Tuesday was a remarkable day at the US Senate Judiciary Committee hearings. The exchange between Sen. ...See all stories on this topic
The promised impeachment podcastBy Blue Gal(Blue Gal) Links I mention: GQ Magazine Herbert P. Bix, "Americans should fight for impeachment of Bush, Cheney" Cernig/Newshog: "Pressuring Dems on Presidential Powers" working on an RSS feed for this. Watch this space.Blue Gal - http://bgalrstate.blogspot.com/
Jeff Cohen: Putting Impeachment On the TableBy Jeff Cohen From my perch as a consultant to Progressive Democrats of America, I see mounting pressure to put impeachment on the table. Momentum is building due to continuous revelations of an imperial White House bent on undermining our system of ...The Huffington Post Raw Feed - http://www.huffingtonpost.com/theblog/
Gonzales Impeachment PosterBy Olds 88 Short and sweet: This diary's purpose is to distribute a poster I have made calling for Alberto Gonzales' impeachment (larger versions below).Daily Kos - http://www.dailykos.com/section/Diary
Elizabeth Holtzman Speaks on the Question of ImpeachmentElizabeth Holtzman, a former four-term Congresswoman and DA of Brooklyn, will discuss the subject of impeachment Wednesday, May 23 at 8:00 pm at the Mulberry House Senior Center, 62-70 West Main Street, Middletown NY 10940. ...AfterDowningStreet.org - Impeach... - http://www.afterdowningstreet.org
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